
L'identite psycho-sociale du conseiller d'orientation. Du sentiment d'identite chez le conseiller d'orientation a son identification (l'orientation : interaction individu - formation - environnement)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Lyon 2



Abstract EN:

From vocational counsellor to orientation psychologist, from change to change, the history of this profession has been retraced in search of it's identity. Referring to accepted concepts of position and role, society has given him his identity and imposed restrictions. The means of which he disposes no longer correspond to his assigned objectives. His activities depend upon his utilisation of today' reality. Normalised training, and a distinct feminine majority characterise this profession which covers many different aspects in europe. In spite of the many institutional situations, the diversity of methods and the evolution of theoretical concepts, this professional body is formed around an objective, forms an entity and refers to a school of thought based on certain ideas - autonomy, independence, authority, confrontation, decision. At the crossroads of education, economics and professions, the counsellor centers his action on the knowledge of others. His conception of the human being is the base of his work, to preserve individual freedom when faced with a choice of orientation, participate in the building of an identity on the dual planes of knowledge and directional guidance. He works within and for the group. His role, characterised by its institutional functions demands relational skills, independence and understanding. Essentially his public defines him as a source of information, pushing him into the position of an assistant, there in order to help resolve general and employment problems. The capacity to satisy demand is his objective. His efficiency depends on the adaptation and the integration of the person. His personality remains an essential component of the job. His evolving professional identity, constant in time if not in space, vanishes into an unfinished dimension. The counsellor needs to readjust his dailly tasks to exist. . . .

Abstract FR:

Du conseiller de vocation au conseiller d'orientation psychologue, nous avons parcouru l'histoire de ce professionnel. Se referant aux acceptations des concepts de statut et de role, l'ordre social lui alloue une identite, lui impose des contraintes. Les moyens dont il dispose ne correspondent pas toujours aux objectifs assignes. Ses activites dependent de son appropriation de la realite. Des formations heterogegenes, une feminisation importante caracterisent cette profession qui, recouvrent des realites differentes. Malgre la diversite des situations institutionnelles, la diversite des pratiques, l'evolution des conceptions theoriques, ce corps se constitue autour d'un objectif, forme une unite, se refere a une communaute de pensee a partir de certains concepts : autonomie, independance, pouvoir, affrontement, decision. A l'interface des champs scolaires, economiques, professionnels, le conseiller centre son intervention sur la connaissance de l'autre. Sa conception de l'humain est son axe de travail : preserver la linberte interieure de chacun face a un choix d'orientation, participer a la construction de l'identite au plan de la connaissance et de l'impulsion a donner. Il agit dans et sur le groupe. Son role caracterise par sa fonction institutionnelle, exige concertation, independance, complementarite. Son public le definit essentiellement comme informateur, le cantonne dans un role d'aide, de soutien pour la resolution de problemes generaux scolaires et d'insertion socio-professionnelle. L'objectif qualite est sa capacite a satisfaire la demande. Son efficacite repose sur l'adaptation et l'integration de l'autre. Sa personnalite demeure une composante essentielle de sa fontion. Son identite professionnelle evolutive, constante dans le temps, non dans l'espace, se fonde dans sa dimension d'inacheve. Le conseiller d'orientation a besoin de reajuster ses actes vecus au quotidien pour exister. Aujourd'hui, l'identite professionnelle atrribuee, l'oblige a une nouvelle professionnalisation.