Les problemes d identifications chez les enfants abandonnes
Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The thesis analyses the relationship between the child and his environment and the psychological implications of this relationship for the process of identification and social insertion of childrenin the care of the public sector organisation setif (algerie) the results made clear the lack of a definite identify felt by abandoned children children who have never left un orphanage, something which was mirrored in the discordered nature of the drawings in which sexual differentiation was frequently not evident. The semi-directive interview discussing the child's perception of the future family such as he may well create himself at a later date, has allowed us to state that groups i and ii respectively of aboudoned children who have never left the orphonage and abandoned children with one or to two previous adresses were incapable of assessing thefuture in a satisfactory manner they were equally incapable of conceving the notion of loving relationships and a way of life different to that which they had already experienced. The analysis of the phenomenon of abandoned children grouped in an orphanage allows us to remark that relationships are deliberately orientated towards development at tere group level. In this instance, the "group" replaces the familly as the guiding influence.
Abstract FR:
La these porte sur l analyse du vecu relationnel et son incidence psychologique sur le processus de l identification et de l insertion sociale des enfants de l assistance publique de setif (algerie). L analyse du dessin de la famille portant sur l appreciation de l image de soi dans sa dimension corporelle. L analyse de la discrinimation perceptive et le reperage des representations des images parentales, a mis en evidence une certitude identitaire chez les enfants abandonnes sans placements anterieurs qui se donne a voir a travers le brouillage autour des personnes, les difficultes dans la differenciation sexuelle et l organisation generale du dessin. L entretien semi-directif portant sur la representation de la famille future, a permis de constater que le groupe i et ii respectivement enfant abandonnes sans placement anterieurs et enfants abandonnes avec un ou deux placements etaient incapable d investir le futur d une maniere satisfaisante et incapable egalement de concevoir des relations affectueuses et un mode de vie autre que celui qu ils ont vecu. Enfin l analyse du phenomene du regroupement des enfant abandonnes en petite bande nous a permis de remarquer que les rapports relationnels sont deliberement oriente vers des investissements du groupe.