Le symbolisme onirique chez sigmund freud : origines langagieres et rapports a la clinique
Strasbourg 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The development of the freudian theory of symbolism was a joint venture between s. Freud and his first disciples. In freud's early texts,we can discern two ways of using language: verbal association and symbolism. The body is the locus of unconscious communication which becomes meaningul only through language. Given the great quantity of dream production,f. Was faced with a world of symbols. Therefore it is mainly when dealing with dreams that he studied the concept of symbols, particularly in the first editions of the interpretation of dreams. In two chapters (5 &6), the decisive part played by his disciples w. Stekel,h. Silberer an dc. G. Jung but also o. Rank,s. Ferenczi,h. Sachs and e. Jones, emerges. The crux of my thesis is the study of the freudian theory of dream symbolism and its principal caracteristics (chap. 7). Our archaic heritage is the source of symbolism. To set symbolism on a solid foundation,f. And his disciples analyzed the analogies betwwen dreams and myths, taking the 19th century philologists (steinthal,lazarus etc. ) as references. The archaic heritage common to all men is the reserve that dream symbols come from. Psychoanatie lytic practice and therapy was to remain freud's main concern as he developpd the theory of symbolism.
Abstract FR:
L'elaboration de la theorie freudienne du symbolisme est l'oeuvre conjointe de s. Freud et des premiers disciples. Dans les premiers textes de s. F. On peut distinguer deux modes langageers: l'association verbale le symbolisme. Le corps se fait le lieu d'une communication inconsciente qui ne prend sens qu'a travers le langage. C'est essentiellement dans les textes sur les reves qu'est etudie le concept du symbolisme, a travers les editions successives de l'interpretation des reves en particu lier. Deux chap. (5 et 6) etudient le role determinant de w. Stekel. H. Silberer,c. G. Jung. Mais aussi o. Rank,s,ferenczi,h. Sachs et e. Jones. Le point central de ma these est l'etude de la theorie du symbolisme et ses principales caracteristiques (chap. 7. ). Les reves utilisent les symboles deja presents dans la pensee inconsciente. Ils constituent la voie par laquelle l'inconscient fait effraction dans le conscient et le discours. L'heritage archaique est la source du symbolisme: d'ou l'tude comparative entre reves et mythes par le moyen des philologues du xixe. S. (steinthal, lazarus etc. ). C'est la clinique et la therapie qui restaient pour freud le souci principal dans l'elaboration de la theorie du symbolisme.