Internalite et masculinite feminite : aspects developpementaux et effets dans le jugement social
Abstract EN:
This research which has been done on 800 subjects ages 8 to 85 deals with : 1) the evolution depending on age and sex of self-representation linked to internality, and to masculinity feminity. 2) the effects of the self-representation on the judgment of deviant behaviour. It is noted that, with age, the self-attribution of feminine characteristics increases at the expense of the masculine just as an increase, then a decrease of internality (the two registers of internality, the one concerning the positive reinforcements and the other concerning the negative reinforcements which are unconnected to begin with). Moreover, the subjects having unisexual self-perception (feminine or masculine), or internal self-perception, adopt extremely negative judgments towards deviant behaviour. We have also examined the effects of revealing of sex-type on self-representation and judments. Finally, we show the dynamic aspect (which connot be reduced to social group) and which is socio-normative of internality and of masculinity feminity.
Abstract FR:
Cette recherche menee sur 800 sujets d'age variable (de 8 a 85 ans) s'interesse : 1) a l'evolution de l'age et du sexe, des representations de soi liees a l'internalite et a la masculinite feminite. 2) aux effets de ces representations de soi sur le jugement de conduites deviantes. On constate, avec l'age, que les auto-attributions de caracteristiques feminines progressent aux depens de celles masculines, ainsi qu'une augmentation puis, une diminution de l'internalite (les deux registres d'internalite, celui des renforcements positifs et celui des renforcements etant au depart non correles). D'autre part, les sujets ayant des perceptions de soi "unisexuees" (ou feminines, ou masculines), ou "internes", adoptent des jugements tres negatifs vis-a-vis des conduites deviantes. On a etudie egalement les effets, de la mise en avant des appartenances sexuelles, sur les representations de soi et les jugements. En definitive, on montre l'aspect dynamique (non irreductible aux appartenances sociales) et socio-normatif de l'internalite et de la masculinite feminite.