La maladie d'alzheimer : etude longitudinale et correlative des fonctions cognitives et des parametres du sommeil
Lille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This research studies the relationship of sleep patterns with cognitive p; lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Functions. It used the ressources of a longitudinal study and relationship lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Of sleep patterns with cognitive functions in the alzheimer's disease. The lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Sleep patterns obtained during the night were scored blindy for all he lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Stages of sleep to conventional criteria. The cognitive function data were lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Evaluated with cognitive subtests and the mms score. All subjects were re lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Hospitalised every four months for sleep and cognition evaluation duringre lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Two years. 17 subjects were selected on the basis of a "probable duringre lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Alzheimer's disease" diagnosis, but a lot of obstacles have disadvantaged lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Our methods. However some results reflected disturbances of sleep and d lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Cognitive functioning and the relationship of the cognitive function with lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Sleep patterns and specially rem sleep. The bulk of our discussion is inh lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . A somewhat speculative vein, to stimulate a way of possible new avenues h lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . To investigate aspects of sleep and cognitive function in patients with h lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Alsheimer's disease. F sleep and cognitive function in patients with h lutionions ood industry. H italy. . .
Abstract FR:
Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le cadre des relations entre sommeil et he evolutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Cognition chez des patients atteints de la maladie d'alzheimer, dans unehe evolutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Perspective longitudinale. 17 patients avec le diagnostic d"alzheimer he evolutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Probable" ont ete recrutes pour des eeg du sommeil et des bilans mer he evolutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Cognitifs tous les quatre mois durant deux ans. De nombreux problemes he evolutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Methodologiques ont handicape la procedure experimentale et affaibli la he evolutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Possibilite d'exploiter les resultats. Cette etude a davantage mis l'accent lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Sur les imperfections de notre demarche qui utilisait un cadre ancien etent lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . La necessite de trouver les moyens d'evaluations plus adaptes a des ent lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Patients en perte de leurs capacites. Neammoins il apparait que certainsent lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Resultats, qui sont a considerer avec la prudence qu'imposent les rtainsent lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Conditions de notre etude, sont interessants : l'etude longitudinale desent lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Fonctions cognitives met en evidence une baisse proglressive de toutes les lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Fonctions cognitives, avec une traduction clinique pouvant etre utes les lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Individuelle; l'etude correlative des parametres du sommeilk montre chezes lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Les patients etudies une relation significative entre le stade 2 et le sp; lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Des correlations signivicatives entre les fonctions cognitives (dont p; lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Peuvent rendre compte la note globale obtenue a la batterie de tests et p; lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Les resultats aux epreuves mettant en jeu les processus mnesiques et p; lutionions ood industry. H italy. . . Attentionnels) et les evenements phasiques du sp. S mnesiques et p; lutionions ood industry. H italy. . .