L'experimentalisme psychosocial et les tentatives experimentales du tourieviste jean-baptiste andre godin
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This work describes the experimental trials carried out by godin in a french industrial environment (1867-1878). The exp erimental subjets being workers in his own company. It includes study and analysis of the handwritten accounts of these experiments and describes the specific social and industrial context in which they took place. The work also gives an account of how godin developed his experimental method and the related statistical analysis of behaviour types, thus pioneering the use of experimentation in social psychology.
Abstract FR:
Description des experimentations psychosociales d'un industriel fourieriste francais (godin) entre 1867 et 1878. Son ech antillon de population est constitue des travailleurs de son entreprise. Travail de depouillement et d'analyse des archives manuscrites d'experiences precises: description d'un cadre industriel specifique et d'un tissu social particulier; comment godin decouvre des techniques de diagnostic social et pratique une analyse chiffrable des comportements; en quoi il est un pionnier de l'experimentalisme en psychosociologie.