Psychopathologie de l'enfant mort
Paris 13Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The dead child is not only a phantasm but, also sometimes a reality which forces the parents as well as the surviving children or those born after a death to deal with that which is left of the dead child - real, imaginary of symbolic. A child conceived after a death among the children oscillates between the necessity to prove to himself and others that he is not the dead child and the desire to make himself the object of desire which this dead child was for the mother. Dali, by mans of his critical paranoiac method, especially his "critical paranoiac interpretation of the myth of millet's angelus", develops several theoretical aspects, the relation between sexuality and infanticide, and "supplementary jouissance" of the mother and of others.
Abstract FR:
L'enfant mort est non seulement un fantasme mais aussi, parfois, une realite qui oblige les parents comme les enfants survivants ou nes apres un deces dans la fratrie a gerer ce qu'il en est de l'enfant mort reel, imaginaire et symbolique. L'enfant concu apres un deces dans la fratrie oscille entre la necessite de prouver aux autres et a lui meme qu'il n'est pas l'enfant mort et le desir de se faire objet du desir maternel, cet enfant mort. Dali, par le biais de sa methode paranoiaque-critique, notamment de son "interpretation paranoiaque-critique du mythe de l'angelus de millet" developpe de nombreux aspects theoriques, la relation sexualite - infanticide, la "jouissance supplementaire" de la mere entre autres.