Surmoi et theorie de la seduction generalisee
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This work devoted to the study of the super-ego develop a hypothesis about the genesis of such an agency as located on the side of the primary. Jean laplanche's theory of "generalized seduction" brought new elements essential to such an attempt. The highly uncanny and violent characteristic of the super-ego interested us immensely leading us through news paths quite different from the classical ones, i. E. As an heir of the oedipus complex. The "uncanny" character of this agency lead us towards a problematics of the other person's power, the primary passivity, guilt. . . These questions are all at the heart of a reflexion centered around the relentless of the super-ego.
Abstract FR:
Cette these , consacree au theme du surmoi, developpe une hypothese consistant a concevoir la genese de cette instance comme situee du cote de l'originaire. La "theorie de la seduction generalisee" de jean laplanche a apporte les elements fondamentales a cette demarche. Le caractere enigmatique et violent du surmoi a fortement suscite notre interet nous engageant dans d'autres voies que celle, classique, d'un heritage du complexe d'oedipe. "l'inquietante etrangete" de cette instance nous a oriente vers la problematique du pouvoir de l'autre, la passivite originaire, la culpabilite. . . Ces questions constituant quelques axes majeurs de cette reflexion centree sur l'aspect implacable du surmoi.