
Personnalite et vieillissement. Permanence adaptative de l'enfance au grand age : une theorie du detour

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Montpellier 3



Abstract EN:

The present thesis raises the issue of a specific human ageing process. By setting the problem of individual development within the broader framework of the adaptation of living organisms to their environment, the author evolves a theory of the bypass, which legitimates the possibility of an ultimate stage in the management of the relationship of the subject to his her human environment, at a moment when the degradation of his her biological potential no longer allows him her efficiently to maintain the mode of control which had characterized his her adult age. The experimental data, waring on 40 subjects aged 32 to 103, confirm the hypothesis, thus validating the theory from which it originates.

Abstract FR:

Dans cette these est pose le probleme de la specificite du vieillissement humain. En resituant la problematique du developpement individuel dans le cadre plus general de l'adaptation des organismes vivants a leur milieu, l'auteur elabore une theorie du detour qui permet de justifier la possibilite d'une ultime etape de gestion du rapport de la personne a son milieu humain, lorsque l'affaiblissement de son organisme biologique ne lui permet plus de maintenir avec efficacite le type de gestion qui avait caracterise la periode adulte. Les resultats experimentaux, portant sur 40 personnes de 32 a 103 ans, confirment cette hypothese et justifient la theorie qui a permis de la produire.