
Les relations entre la pensée créative et l'imagerie

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Paris 5




Abstract EN:

Nous nous sommes efforcee dans cette etude de rechercher les raisons pour lesquelles il existe des relations entre la pensee creative et l'imagerie en distinguant les facteurs de la creativite (l'aspect verbal et l'aspect figural) et ceux de l'imagerie (l'efficacite et la qualite de la transformation et de l'inspection). Il nous est apparu que les caracteristiques de flexibilite, fluidite et originalite de la pensee creative procedent des caracteres particuliers de l'imagerie (souplesse, rapidite, analogie et parallelisme). Nous pensons que l'imagerie intervient directement dans l'aspect figural de la pensee creative et qu'elle est indirectement liee a l'aspect verbal de la pensee creative par la metaphore. En ce qui concerne les facteurs de l'imagerie, la creativite semble plus etroitement liee a la qualite qu'a l'efficacite. Les resultats de deux experiences confortent nos hypotheses.

Abstract FR:

We made an effort, in this study, to search for the reasons why there is the relations between the creative thinking and the imagery. We distinguished the factors of the creativity (the verbal aspect and the figural aspect) and those of the imagery (the efficiency and the quality of the transformation and of the inspection). It seemed to us that the characteristics of flexibility, fluidity and originality of the creative thinking came from the particular features of the imagery (suppleness, rapidity, analogy and parallelism). We thought that the imagery directely intervened in the figural aspect of the creative thinking and that it is linked indirectly to the verbal aspect of the creative thinking through the metaphor. As regards the factors of the imagery, the creativity seemed to be linked more closely to the quality than to the efficiency. The results of the two experiences confirm our hypotheses.