Contribution experimentale a l'etude des effets des differenciations ideologiques sur les processus de categorisation dans un rapport inter-ethnique et confessionnel
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The object of this study is to join cultural and ideological representations with some theoretical constructions concerned with ethnical differentiation (tunisians and french), economical differentiation (disadvantaged and advantaged) and religious differentiation (muslims and christians). It also proposes an analysis of the sociocognitive processes of belief-systems referring to ideological representations. The experiments are realized with immigrant tunisian workers in france. The results of the first experiment indicate that a splitting into two representationnel and seperated poles (reference points of the comparaison we they) has an influence on the perception of the differential margin acting as a psychological distance between in- and out-group and vice-versa. The second experiment tries to illustrate (in a socioeconomical relation) that a positive social identity taken in the meaning of a differentiation depends on the relevance of the comparative context. In the third experiment two groups (subjects who practise prayer and subjects who don't) perform an estimation task following three reinforcements (made operative by accentuating three situations concerning different dimensions of belief disbelief) giving rise to categorizations of different degree. The highest differentiation turns up in the condition that implies two pieces of information which are simultaneous and concurrential but logically seperate (junction of simularity difference). The subjects seem to prefer to distinguish themselves more from a situa- tion that is strongly inconsistant than to reduce antinomy. These three experiments show 1 that persons behave differently on the same task according to the representation they have of this task and 2 that the differential effect can decrease as well as increase in spite of all formel logic. This research points out by the means of three experimental studies how the representation of differentiations of sociocultural variables may influence the psychocognitive processes.
Abstract FR:
Cette recherche vise a articuler des representations culturelles et ideologiques avec des constructions theoriques portant sur la differenciation ethnique (tunisiens et francais), economique (defavorises et favorises) et religieuse (musulmans et chretiens). Elle propose egalement une analyse sur les processus socio-cognitifs des systemes de croyances relatifs a des representations ideologiques. Les experiences sont menees aupres des travailleurs immigres tunisiens en france. Les resultats de la premiere experience montrent qu'une dichotomie en deux formes representationnelles distinctes (points de reference de la comparaison nous eux), influence la perception de l'ecart differenciateur en tant que distance psychologique entre l'in- et l'out-group et inversement. La deuxieme experience essaie de demontrer (dans un rapport socio-economique) que l'identite sociale positive prise dans le sens d'une differenciation depend de la pertinence du contexte comparatif. Dans la troisieme experience deux groupes (pratiquants et non pratiquants de la priere) effectuent une tache d'estimation selon trois renforcements (operationalises par la mise en evidence de trois situations concernant des dimensions de croyances non croyance) suscitant des categorisations d'intensite differente. La plus forte differenciation se revele la condition qui implique deux informations simultanees et concurrentes mais logiquement distinctes (l'union de la similitude difference). Les sujets semblent preferer de se differencier plus d'une situation fort inconsistante qu'a reduire l'antinomie. Ces trois experiences demontrent 1 que les individus ont des comportements differents dans une meme tache selon la representation qu'ils ont de cette tache et 2 que l'effet differenciateur peut s'abaisser autant qu'augmenter en depit meme de toute logique formelle. Cette recherche met donc en evidence par le biais de trois etudes experimentales comment la representation des differenciations des variables socio-culturelles peut influencer les processus psycho-cognitifs.