Clinique et petite enfance
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
It is in the very heart of a structure for looking after small children (a day nursery) that a clinical psychologist attempts to understand all it is involved in the relationships between parents and children, carers and children, parents and carers, in both psychological and sociological aspects. Following a presentation of the structure and the problematic under study, a first part, which is epistemologic, recapitulates different theoritical models discribing what is at stake in the early relationships between parents and children, and more particularly the relationship between mother and child. The second part, which is historical, sociological and demographical deals with the living conditions of women and children in french society, from the ancien regime to nowadays. It also tackles the history of the creches and that of the work of the women, both productive and reproductive. The third part, which evolves from the first two, is conceved as an answer to the problematic exposed in the presentation. Illustrated trough clinical histories, this third part throws light on the different facets of a phenomenon which one inevitably encounters when dealing with the care of small children.
Abstract FR:
C'est au coeur meme d'une institution de garde de la petite enfance (une halte-garderie) qu'une psychologue clinicienne tente de saisir tout ce qui se joue dans les rapports parents-enfants, professionnels-enfants et parents-professionnels, tant sur le versant psychologique que sur le versant sociologique. Apres une presentation du lieu et de la problematique qu'on y rencontre, une premiere partie, de nature epistemologique, retrace differents modeles theoriques rendant compte des enjeux des relations precoces parents-enfants, surtout de la relation mere-enfant tres etudiee. La deuxieme partie, historique, sociologique et demographique retrace les conditions de vie des femmes et des enfants dans la societe francaise de l'ancien regime a nos jours, en passant par l'histoire des creches et celle du travail des femmes, productif et reproductif. La troisieme partie, posee sur l'edifice des deux precedentes, comme une reponse a la presentation, eclaire (sous forme d'"histoires" cliniques) les differentes facettes du phenomene rencontre inevitablement des lors qu'on s'attache a une clinique de la petite enfance.