La prostitution comme experience de vie "effet-mere"
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This study is a clinical research in psychopathology about a sample of 25 female persons who were met in the context of associations for rehabilitation. Our sample is specified by the quest for change of live and the activity of prostitution presented as a symptom of suffering. We tried to describe from taperecorded interviews the psychical processes that could lead to prostitution and the stakes in this behaviour involving particularly the body and sexuality. In this way the model of psycho-genesis, which is the fruit of a work of pre-investigation, of the lecture of autobiographies written by prostitutes and of novels, led us by their insufficiency to become interested in a model coming within an interactive topography (intra and inter psychical). The notions of "injonction" and "fourth personage" emerged from the clinical material and show themselves be determining for the understanding of the act of prostitution. The "injonction" is a mechanism of identification operating like a super-ego inscription. The "fourth personage" appears as a female figure "she", metaphor of a gap, to whom would be adressed the experience of prostitution. The challenge to this would give a psychical mobility, creating connection and fantasy. The "injonction" and the "fourth personage" find their operating efficacy only on the basis of a psycho-genesis in which we have observed permanent features. The life stories of these women are marked by an "incestuous illusion" to the mother and psychical traumatisms linked to a "confusion of language" between adults and children.
Abstract FR:
Cette etude est une recherche clinique en psychopathologie portant sur un echantillon de 25 sujets feminins rencontres dans le cadre d'associations de reinsertion. La demande de changement de vie et l'activite de prostitution presentee comme un symptome de souffrance specifient notre echantillon. A partir d'entretiens semi-directifs enregistres au magnetophone nous avons tente de decrire les processus psychiques pouvant mener a la prostitution et les enjeux de ce comportement engageant plus particulierement le corps et la sexualite. C'est ainsi que le modele de psychogenese, fruit d'un travail de pre-enquete, de la lecture d'autobiographies de prostituees et de romans, nous a conduit par son insuffisance a nous interesser a un modele relevant d'une topique interactive (intra et inter psychique). Les notions d'injonction et de quatrieme personnage se sont alors degagees du materiel clinique se revelant determinantes pour comprendre le passage a l'acte de prostitution. L'injonction est un mecanisme d'identification fonctionnant comme inscription surmoique. Le quatrieme personnage apparait comme une figure feminine "elle", metaphore d'un manque, a qui serait adressee l'experience de prostitution. Le defi a celui-ci redonnerait une mobilite psychique creatrice de liaison et de fantasme. L'injonction et le quatrieme personnage ne trouvent leur efficacite operatoire que sur la base d'une psychogenese dans laquelle nous avons observe des constantes. Les histoires de vie de ces femmes sont marquees par une "illusion incestueuse" a la mere et des traumatismes psychiques lies a une "confusion de langue" entre adultes et enfants.