Les collectivités locales nigérianes dans les processus de formulation et d'"implémentation" des politiques locales
Bordeaux 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The object of our study has been to analyze the internal caracteristics and functioning of local governments and their relationship with the social environment and, within this context, try to see how these factors impede or facilitate the implementation of policies by local governments. By internal caracteristics, we mean the decision making process, human relations in the local administration and the process of technical and professional training of local govern;ent employees and by social environment, we mean the local associations like community development committees, women's groups, peasants etc. Using as our point of departure the historical perspective, we traced the evolution of local governments in nigeria from 1903 to 1976, focusing our attention on the working conditions, professional and technical training of local government employees, for it its our film belief that these factors are indispensable to the effectiveness of policy implementation. In doing this, we established that local governments have not evolved from their functions of maintenance of law and order since colonial times. Our analyses on decision making and human relations also that these two aspects are hardly favorable to the implementation of policies at the local level. Local government councillors, especially in the north, hardly exercise any degree of independence in decision making. With the social environment, local governments remain closed to the local associations as regards to decision making and a say in the way in which local projects are implemented. Added to this is the problem of corruption and mismanagement whereby funds voted for project implementation are diverted towards personal ends rather than towards the goals to which they should have been directed.
Abstract FR:
L'objet de notre etude a ete d'analyser le mode de fonctionnement, interne aussi bien qu'externe, des collectivites locales nigeriannes et, dans un contexte global, voir l'effet de ce mode de fonctionnement sur l'implementation des politiques locales. En commencant par la perspective historique, nous avons trace l'evolution des collectivites locales depuis sa creation, de 1903 a 1976, en nous focalisant sur les conditions de travail, la formation professionnelle et technique des fonctionnaires locaux, car nous croyons que ces facteurs sont indispensables au succes d' "implementation" des politiques locales. Se faisant, nous avons demontre que les collectivites locales n'ont pas beaucoup evolue par rapport a leurs fonctions coloniales de maintien de la loi et de l'ordre et de la collecte des impots. Nos analyses sur le processus decisionnels et les relations humaines montrent que ces deux aspects ne sont guere favorable a l' "implementation" des politiques locales. Les conseillers municipaux, specialement dans le nord disposent rarement de degre d'independance considerable dans le processus decisionnel. Quant a l'environnement social, les collectivites locales sont fermees sur les associations locales tels que "community development committees", les commercants, les paysans en ce qui concerne le processus decisionnel et la mise en oeuvre des politiques locales. Ajoute a ceux-ci est le probleme de la corruption et de la mauvaise gestion ou des fonds destines a des projets sont detournes a des fin personnelles.