
Les chambres de commerce et d'industrie et le liberalisme

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Toulouse 1



Abstract EN:

The french chambers of commerce and industry (ccis) are public administrations, with elected board members, employing civil servants, and possessing their own taxation system. They could be an obstacle to liberalism. They are institutionaly archaic, have a low level of representation, are state-controlled and suffer the competition of employer's associations and local administrations. They have also become a parallel power, belonging to a forever encroching state and compiting with the private sector, and this has engendered functional deviationism. Ccis and liberalism could be compatible : either by making them more representative, reinforcing their authority and network, whilst preserving their initial status ; or by privatising the institution, using examples from other countries and in accordance with french specific characteristics. Privatising french ccis could lead to technical and political difficulties. It is however to the ccis to determine their path of development themselves, the risk being otherwise of their becoming marginal.

Abstract FR:

Les c. C. I. Francaises sont des etablissements publics soumis a election, ayant une fiscalite propre et employant des agents publics. Elles risquent d'etre un obstacle au liberalisme : a leur archaisme institutionnel lie a leur faible representativite, la tutelle de l'etat et la concurrence du patronat et des collectivites locales, s'ajoute le deviationnisme fonctionnel d'un quasi-pouvoir, element du trop d'etat et concurrent du secteur prive. On peut reconcilier les c. C. I. Avec le liberalisme : soit en renforcant leur representativite, leur pouvoir et leur reseau, tout en conservant leur statut initial, soit en privatisant l'institution sur la base des exemples etrangers et conformement aux specificites francaises. La privatisation des c. C. I. Francaises se heurterait a des obstacles techniques et politiques, mais il appartient aux c. C. I. De reflechir a leur propre devenir, sous peine de marginalisation.