
Du patrimonialisme a l etat-nation kemaliste a la quete inachevee d une democratie stable en turquie

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

In this work which consists of the passage from a patrimonial syste to a nation state, we have tried to show the structural characteristics of a specific form of transition of a political order named as "theocratical authority" -which corresponds to a model of ottoman patrimonial system defined by max weber as "sultanic power" or "sultanism" - to a new order named "democratic authority" (i. E. Passage to a limited democracy placed under the control of the military elite). We have taken the opportunity to analyse in details the concrete mechanism of this specific transition method to a "capitalism which we have qualified and named as "centralist transition mode". This work shows the genesis and dynamics of an etatist systeme and puts into evidence the tensions and contradictions in its applications.

Abstract FR:

Cette these est une tentative en vue de parvenir a mieux cerner les caracteristiques strucutrelles d une4 forme spcifique de transition d un ordre politique "autoritaire theocratique" (qui correspond au modele de l etat patrimonial ottoman defini par max weber comme "pouvoir sultanique" ou "sultanisme") a un nouvel ordre "democratique autoritaire" (c est-a-dire a une forme limitee de democratie placee sous le controle des elites militaires). Elle s efforce d analyser de facon detaillee les mecanismes concrets de ce mode specifique de transition au capitalisme que l on a pu qualifier de "mode de transition centraliste". Elle s attache egalement a mieux cerner la genese et la dynamique du systeme etatiste et a mettre en evidence les tensions et les contradictions qu il suscite.