La Gauche française (1972-1988) à la lumière du paradigme social démocrate
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Int he seventies and eighties, the widespread destabilisation of european socialdemocratic parties, has led to a questioning of what the notion of a party of type social-democrate is actually intended to convey. There has been evidence of a shift away from the "typical" social-democratic paradigme. The french left of the seventies, meant either in the form of "union" (1972-1977) or in the form of what we have called "minimal informal coalition", has been built up gradually in a way equivalent to the parties in the social-democratic would. The political circle starting off with the "common program" is, despite the appearances, a circle of approach to the socialdemocratic model of coalition and actor. This equivalence, however, has led neither to the social-democratisation of the french left nor to the establishment of a socialdemocratic compromise "a la francaise". In the course of the eighties the distance separating the ps from the european social democraties has been decreased. This decrease is distinctly more marked when compared to the present state of the socialdemocratic parties, which are themsemlves becoming "de-social-democratised", than when viewed in the light of the social-democratic model of the sixties. However, the ps's partial transformation is, for both structural and contextual reasons, not only an "incomplete" transformation, but one which cannot be completed.
Abstract FR:
Dans les annees 70 et 80, la destabilisation generale des social-democraties europeennes a remis en cause le contenu traditionnellement attache a la notion de "parti de type social-democrates". Differentes social-democraties naissent de ce qui fut la social-democratie typique des annees soixante. La gauche francaise des annees 70, concue en tant qu'alliance explicite et formelle (1972-1977) ou en tant que coalition informelle minimale (1977-1981) s'est posee graduellement quoique provisoirement- comme une force equivalente, quant a sa constitution sociologique et competitive" et, en partie, quant a la structure de ses conduites, aux partis de type social-democrate. Cette analogie de role n'a pas toutefois revetu les traits d'une transformation identitaire en mesure d'ouvrir la voie a la social-democratisation de la gauche hexagonale. Cette derniere demeure, pendant la periode consideree, bien eloignee d'une social-democratie organique. Dans les annees 80, l'ecart qui, traditionnellement, separait le ps des partis de type social-democrate s'est retrecit significativement. Cette reduction de la distance est sensiblement plus visible a la lumiere des mutations en cours des social-democraties europeennes qu'a celle du paradigme social-democrate des annees 60. Le ps ne se rapproche essentiellement que de la nouvelle social-democratie in statu nascendi, elle-meme en cours de "desocial-democratisation". Cependant, la pente "naturelle" du ps n'est pas de devenir un parti de type social-democrate.