
Le réglement pacifique du conflit israelo-arabe : vers une nouvelle conférence internationale ?

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Paris 2



Abstract EN:

Balfour's delcaration on november 2. 1917. Which gave a concrete form to the videa of a jewish national homeland in palestine, gave the spark to a bloody conflict in the holy land, which opposed, at first jewish settlers to arab natives, and thereafter, the jewish nationalism to arab nationalism. Sevral efforts have been deploied by third parties to resolve the conflict, and different methodes have been applied. Besides, the concerned parties have advanced their own proposals which reflected their respectives positions concerning the nature of the peace and the means to achieve it. All these efforts have failed to touch upon the core of the problem. The failure noted, in this respect is the outcome of a set reasons which are not confined solely to the belligerent parties in the middle east, but also encompass the existing international climate, and the weakness noted in the super-powers' relations with their allies in the region. Recently, new facts have emerged on the international stage, as well as in the region, that can give a stimulus to the peace process, nevertheless, this process stays precarious either in the framework of an international conference or througth any other arrangement.

Abstract FR:

La declaration balfour du 2 novembre 1917 concretisant l idee d un foyer national juif en palestine donnait le coup d envoi a un conflit sanglant en terre sainte, opposant dans un premier temps les colons juifs aux indigenes arabes et par la suite, le nationalisme juif au nationalisme arabe. De multiple efforts ont ete deployes par des tierces parties pour regler le conflit et diverses methodes ont ete appliquees. En outre, les parties concernees ont avance leurs propres propositions refletant leurs conceptions respectives de la nature de la paix et des moyens d y parvenir. Tous ces efforts n ont pas reussi a regler le fond du probleme. L echec enregistre dans ce domaine est le resultat d un ensemble de raisons qui ne se limitent pas aux antagonistes proche-orientaux mais qui s etendent au climat international et aux faiblesses relevees dans les relations des grandes puissances avec leurs "proteges". Recemment, de nouvelles donnees ont fait leur apparition sur la scene internationale ainsi que dans la region pouvant relancer le processus de paix. Neanmoins, ce processus reste fragile que ce soit dans le cadre d une conference internationale ou a travers d autres procedes.