
De l'identite des verts. Essai sur la constitution d'un nouvel acteur politique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Lille 2



Abstract EN:

The dissertation means to study a body in the process of creation, to try and give a definition for this new actor and to term it in the context of the general theory on political parties. Two hypothesises have been st to form the intellectual and methodological basis of this work : the very nature of the greens identity could prevent them firs from beign a true political party. The assesment is based on the concept of identity, which allows the comprehend, the greens from a fully dynamic point of view. Through the growing discussion on directing attitudes, managing the conflicts and producing political symbols. The second hypothesis is about the methodological framework. After underlying the limits of several classical approaches, the author chooses to emphasize the ethnological perspective which better swits the whole creation of a body which is finally qualified as "virtual". Then the behaviours and the representations which set the experience and the future of this froup will be studied both at local and national level. The dissertatio n is divided three parts, each corresponding to three directions which have been selected to evaluate a party-based identtity "to be", "to believ" and "to act". The first part deals which relational and micro-social approach of the partisan imbodiment. The question is to assess the party to its realhuman and materiel means, its ways of sitting up somewhere between the regional and the national level. The nord-pas de calais region is a geo-graphical and political laboratory for a descriptive monography which tends to assess several hypothesises. So attesting the wift and superficial integration of the greens in the local political background. The second part is on the "greens" thinking, when studied not within the most famous philosophical reference but according ti its own ability or unhability. To form an ideological and coherent corpus capable of offering the greens their own system of beliefs and values. The speeches are seldom adapted and they result, rather paradoxically into a a collective identity which refers to multiple inheritances, giving more importance smaller group and to the comparison of different intellectual intakes.

Abstract FR:

La these vise a etudier une formation en train de se faire, s'efforcer de definir ce nouvel acteur et de la qualifier au regard de la theorie generale des partis politiques. Deux hypotheses fournissent l'armature intellectuelle et methodologique de ce travail : la nature meme de l'identite des verts les empecherait tout d'abord d'etre pleinement et totalement un parti politique. La demonstration est articulee autour du concept d'identite, ce qui permet d'apprehender les verts de maniere resolument dynamique, a travers les foissonnements de l'orientation des conduites de la gestion des conflits et la production des symboliques politiques. La seconde hypothese concerne le cadre methodologique. Apres avoir souligne les limites d'un certain nombre d'approches classiques, l'auteur choisit de privilegier une perspective ethnologique, mieux a meme de saisir en sa totalite, la construction d'une formation qualifiee in fine de "virtuelle". C'est au double niveau national et local, que vont alors s'etudier les comportements et les representations qui organisent l'experience et le devenir de ce groupe. La these se divise en trois parties repondant chacune aux trois axes reperes pour definir une identite partisane : "etre", "croire" et "agir" : la premiere partie est consacree a une approche relationnelle et micro-sociale de l'incarnation partisane. Il s'agit d'apprecier le mouvement a travers ses moyens humains et materiels effectifs, ses logiques d'implantation entre niveaux regional et national. La region nord-pas-de-calais offre son laboratoire geo-politique a une pause monographique qui permet ainsi la validation de plusieurs hypotheses, confirmant la rapide integration superficielle des verts dans le paysage politique local. La seconde partie porte sur la pensee ecologiste, analysee non pas dans la genealogie de ses grands referents philosophiques, mais en fonction de sa capacite ou non a former un corpus ideologique coherent susceptible d'offrir aux verts leur propre synthese de croyance et de valeur. La congruence des discours est faible et le resultat un peu paradoxale consiste en une idee collective revendiquant les heritages multiples, valorisant les sous-groupes et la mise en prespective des differents apports intellectuels.