Oman. La tradition de l'imama. L'histoire politique moderne
Paris 10Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The political system in oman, during more than thousand years, was based on the imama system and guided by the ibadite movement, a minority islamic doctrin. After maintaining the principle of the imama free election and the application of the islamic shura (consultation), this movement could be considered as the rightful heir of the islamic state. This work wishes to study the ibadite origin of the movement, its thoughts, its doctrin and its historical role in oman. The ibadism caracterised by its imama system, presents the national identity, the cultural frame of oman and its civilisation. Its presents also the imama, its majlis institutions (legislative, judiciary and administrative), original form of arabo-islamic institutions, looking after the applying of the principle, with democratic value of the islamic shura. We will study the constitutional rules of the imam's election and their bay'a (allegence) and the conditions of the imam, than we shall present the four stages of the imama al-kitman (dissimulation), al-shira (sacrifice), al-dhurur (demonstration) and al-difa (defence). This work would represent the omanies political systems of th imama and the sultanat through the political modern history (1500-1970) - advent of sultan qabus). It includes also the political dimension in the frame of the international relations, in the french-english antagonism, trying to clear up the anglo-omani reports as well as the franco-omani's ones.
Abstract FR:
Le systeme politique en oman, durant plus de mille ans, fut base sur le systeme de l'imama et guide par le mouvement ibadite, lui-meme issu d'une doctrine islamique minoritaire. Ayant maintenu les principes de l'election libre de l'imama et de l'application de la shura (consultation) islamique, ce mouvement pouvait se considerer comme le veritable heritier de l'etat islamique. Ce travail etudiera l'origine du mouvement ibadite, sa pensee, sa doctrine et son role historique en oman. L'ibadisme caracterise par son systeme de l'imama, presente l'identite nationale, le cadre culturel d'oman et sa civilisation. Il presente egalement une etude du systeme de l'imama, ses majlis institutions (legislatives, judiciaires et administratives) forme originale des institutions arabo-islamiques, veillant a l'application du principe, a valeur democratique, de shura islamique. Par ailleurs, nous etudions toutes les regles constitutionnelles de l'election des imams et leur bay'sa (allegeance) et les conditions requises pour l'imam. Ainsi, nous etudions les quatre etats de l'imama al-kitmam (dissimulation), al-shira' (sacrifice), al-dhuhur (manifestation) et al-difa' (defense). Ce travail presentera les systemes politiques omanais, celui de l'imama et celui de sultanat, a travers l'histoire politique moderne (1500-1970). Il englobe egalement la dimension politique dans le cadre des relations internationales et plus precisement dans celui de l'antagonisme franco-anglais, en tentant d'eclairer les rapports anglo-omanais aussi bien que franco-omanais.