
Constructions et representations de l'institution regionale. Analyse d'un processus inacheve l'exemple breton

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Rennes 1




Abstract EN:

The institutional reality of the region is the result of some constructions and representations that can only be understood if they are put back in the social context. The confrontation of the theoritical literature with a survey on the breton area can show a kind of institutional deficit of the region which can be analysed on three different levels. 1 the pratical effects of decentralisation can't manage to fill the gap between the elected representatives and the institution. The elected only have a marginal interest for their mandate, so this can't actually increase the objective institutionalization initiated by law. 2 the institutional deficit is all the more pronounced as it exists a media deficit of institution. The representations of the region are impeaded by the non-regional organization of the medias, by the non visible competence of the institutions and by the inability of the elected to embody their mandate. 3 the lack of actual representation in the citizen's political imaginary slows down the democratic ambition of the decentralisation. Nowadays, the new citizenship is nothing but an uncertain participation even though the symbolic activism of the region tries to compensate for the citizen's lack of concern by the means of institutional communication.

Abstract FR:

La realite institutionnelle regionale est le produit de constructions et de representations qui ne peuvent etre comprises que replacees dans l'univers social. La confrontation de la litterature theorique et d'une enquete sur le terrain breton temoigne alors d'un deficit institutionnel de la region qui peut etre analyse sur trois plans differents. 1 les effets pratiques de la decentralisation ne suffisent pas a combler la distance qui existe entre l'elu et l'institution. L'interet marginal porte par les elus a leur mandat relaie difficilement l'institutionnalisation objective amorcee par le droit. 2 le deficit institutionnel est egalement accentue par les carences mediatiques de l'institution. Les representations de la region sont hypothequees par l'organisation a-regionale des medias, par les competences abstraites de l'institution et l'incapacite des elus a incarner leur mandat. 3 l'absence de veritable representation dans l'imaginaire politique des citoyens freine les ambitions democratiques de la decentralisation. La nouvelle citoyennete se resume aujourd'hui a une participation aleatoire meme si l'activisme symbolique de la region, par le biais de la communication institutionnelle tente de compenser l'indifference du citoyen.