Comprehension et politique dans l'oeuvre de max weber
Abstract EN:
The purpose of this work, starting from a systematic reconstruction max weber's thought, is to analyse the situation created by the development of social sciences, through the study of the relationships between political philosophy and social sciences, and of the transformation of the principles of legitimacy inherited from democratic and liberal modern philosophy. The introduction shows how, since the origins of modern politics, appears an opposition between two conceptions of political theory (the "political technology" of hobbes and the "historical hermeneutics" of vico), which sutbends, still today, the contemporary discussion, in order to define the specific place of max weber in the history of modern political thought. The first part reconstitutes the philosophical background of max weber's sociology, by showing the anti-speculative implications of his epistemology, which belongs to the kantian tradition, and by analysing the place of his work within the tradition of the human sciences ("geistes-wissenschaften"). The second part treats the weberian problematic of rationalisation. First, is proposed a reconstruction of the systematic architectonic of weber's theory, through a critical examination of some great interpretations (r. Aron, j. Habermas, a. Schutz) and then, an analysis of his political thought, considered as a dialectical wiew of the modern reason. Are analysed afterwards the limits of weber's thought and the conflicts which are dividing his posterity. The conclusion shows the coherence of max weber's work, and its fondamental value for the contemporary political thought, which comes from the fact that it articulates the sociology of domination and the analysis of legitimacy.
Abstract FR:
Le but de ce travail est, a partir d'une reconstruction systematique de la pensee de max weber, d'analyser la situation creee par le developpement des sciences sociales, a travers l'etude des rapports entre philosophie politique et sciences sociales et de la transformation des principes de legitimite herites de la philosophie moderne (democratique et liberale). L'introduction montre d'abord comment, des les origines de la politique moderne, apparait une opposition entre deux conceptions de la theorie politique qui sousentend, aujourd'hui encore, les discussions contemporaines (la "technologie politique" de hobbes, l'hermeneutique historique de vico), pour determiner la place de max weber dans l'histoire de la pensee politique. La premiere partie reconstitue l'arriere-plan philosophique de la sociologie de max weber, en montrant la portee anti-speculative de son epistemologie, qui s'inscrit dans la tradition criticiste et en analysant la place de son oeuvre dans la tradition des "sciences de l'esprit". La deuxieme partie est consacree a la problematique weberienne de la rationalisation. On propose d'abord une reconstruction de l'architecture systematique de la theorie de weber, a travers la discussion de certaines grandes interpretations (r. Aron, j. Habermas, a. Schutz) et une analyse de sa pensee politique, consideree comme une dialectique de la raison moderne; on analyse ensuite les limites de la pensee de weber et les conflits qui divisent sa posterite (g. Lukacs, c. Schmitt). La conclusion montre la coherence de l'oeuvre de max weber, et sa valeur fondatrice pour la pensee politique contemporaine, qui tient au fait qu'elle articule la sociologie de la domination sur l'analyse de la legitimite.