
L'evolution des relations franco-iraniennes de 1978 a nos jours

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998






Abstract EN:

Since the islamic revolution, the relationships between france and iran went shaky. They can be studied in three periods. During the first period (1978-1980), france, which didn't realized the importance of the iran overthrow took, with regard to the revolutionary events, then towards the new regime, rather paradoxal and ambiguous attitudes. The islamic regime, which didn't want to receive any lessons from the foreign parts, badly took the french reactions which condemn the revolutionary violence. Incomprehension settled in the bilateral relationships. During the second period, the relationship between the two countries where largely influenced by the iran-irak war. France made common cause with irakians. Several actions endangered french interests and french citizens where took as hostage. Terrorist actions perpetrated in france where attributed to iranian agents. The facing by proxy seemed to master the bilateral relationships. The end of the war favored the easing of the relation. During the third period (1988-1997), the two countries decided to end their differences. The reconciliation passed by the settlement of the eurodif contentious. Dispite some incidents like the condamnation of the britanic writter s. Rushdie or the assassination of ch. Baktiar, the two countries settled definitely their principal contentious. This should have an effect on the normalization of the bilateral relationships. With the disappearing of any dispute implicating directly the respective interest of the opponents, the only impediment for the french iran rapprochement must be due to external or subjective factors. Dispite the sensitive improvements of the relations, it remains fragile and restricted.

Abstract FR:

Depuis la revolution islamique les relations franco-iraniennes sont marquees par l'instabilite. Elles peuvent etre etudiees en trois periodes. Pendant la premiere periode, (1978-1980), la france qui au debut ne realisait pas l'importance des bouleversements en iran, prit a l'egard des evenements revolutionnaires, puis, vis-a-vis du nouveau regime, des positions quelque peu equivoques et paradoxales. Le regime islamique ne voulant recevoir aucune lecon de + l'etranger ;, supporta mal la reaction de la france qui condamnait la violence revolutionnaire. L'incomprehension s'installa dans les relations bilaterales. Dans une deuxieme periode, les relations entre les deux pays furent tres largement influencees par la guerre iran-irak. La france prit partie pour les irakiens. Plusieurs actions mirent en danger ses interets dans la regions et des ressortissants francais furent pris en otages. Des actions terroristes perpetrees en france furent attribuees aux agents iraniens. L'affrontement par procuration semblait dominer les relations bilaterales. La fin de la guerre favorisa la detente dans les relations. Dans une troisieme periode, les deux pays deciderent de mettre fin a leurs differends. La reconciliation passait par le reglement du contentieux eurodif. Malgre des incidents tels que la condamnation de l'ecrivain britannique s. Rushdie ou l'assassinat de ch. Bakhtiar, les deux pays reglerent + definitivement ; leur principal contentieux. Ceci devait favoriser la normalisation des relations bilaterales. Avec la disparition de tout litige mettant directement en cause les interets respectifs des parties, les seuls obstacles au rapprochement franco-iranien relevent de facteurs exterieurs ou subjectifs. Malgre l'amelioration sensible des relations, celles-ci restent neanmoins limitees et fragiles.