
Le fonctionnement de l'institution presidentielle : l'elysee sous francois mitterand, 1981-1984

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 10




Abstract EN:

The functioning of the presidential institution : "l'elysee" under francois mitterand -1981-1984. Francois mitterand, as he comes to l'elysee on the 21st of may 1981, is a man of the 4th republic. He cannot rely on the networks of power of the administration ; that is why, as advisers, he chooses close friends to be secured, or friends from the socialist party and the younger political generation (the 33. 38 years old), to avoid reproaches of archaism. His first concern is to restore the role of the government and to dispatch the information among the ministers. Therefore the cabinet becomes a collegial authority. Facing the difficulties, it becomes necessary to take severe measures ; they lead him to give a more important role to the technicians rather than to the politicians, whereas leaving the backstage he uses all sorts of medias. During the summer 1982, the situation turns to a strong competition between the general secretary's office, the cabinet and mitterand's private advisers -while in the government the triumvirat (delors, fabius, beregovoy) settles down. The president in line with his predecessors tries to unify the country, whereas the evicted ministers, the previous presidents' advisers, and one of them, valery giscard d'estaing, multiply harsh criticism.

Abstract FR:

Francois mitterand, arrivant a l'elysee le 21 mai 1981, est un homme ferme par la ive republique. Ne beneficiant pas des reseaux de pouvoir de la haute administration en place, il s'entoure a titre de conseillers d'amis personnels, qui lui offrent un cadre affectif securisant, d'amis issus du parti socialiste, ou de la jeune generation politique (les 33, 38 ans) qui lui permettent de lutter contre les reproches d'archaisme. Son premier souci est de restaurer le role du gouvernement et de faire redescendre les dossiers vers les ministres, le conseil de ministres redevenant une instance veritablement collegiale. Face aux difficultes, la necessite du virage de la rigueur conduit a donner une place accrue aux techniciens au detriment des politiques, alors que le president, sortant de sa reserve, monte a tous les creneaux mediatiques. Les changements de l'ete 1982 voient s'affronter a l'elysee les trois equipes que forment le secretariat general, le cabinet et la cellule particuliere, et au gouvernement s'installer derriere pierre mauroy le triumvirat delors, fabius, beregovoy. Le president, comme ses predecesseurs, cherche a "rassembler la nation", alors que ses anciens ministres evinces, les conseillers des anciens presidents, ou l'un d'entre eux, valery giscard d'estaing, multiplient les critiques acerbes.