
Uhuru, ujamaa, azimio, mwongozo, contribution a l'analyse de la pensee politique de julius kambarage nyerere

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Rennes 1



Abstract EN:

Julius kambarage nyerere's thought and political experience come within the stirrings of the nationalist movements which lead to the independence of african countries. It also pertains to the developmentalist theses that were fashionable during the two first decades that followed the independence (uhuru). Thus, after having led a cultural movement, the t. A. A (tanganyika african association), after having turned it into a political party, the tanu (tanganyika african national union)- that later was to become the ccm (chama mapinduzi)-, after his various stands at the well known "accra conferences" or within the pafmeca (pan african freedom movement for east and central africa), nyerere thought it good to build up a new doctrine -ujamaa- that gathers, higgledy-piggledy, his christian and fabian beliefs, his inclination and his attachment to values of mutual aid and conviviality of the traditional african society. This is why, far from being a myth, or giving the outlines of an utopia, or of keeping a dream alive, ujamaa is first a quest for identity and dignity, a progress ad augusta per angusta for ancient customs.

Abstract FR:

La pensee et la pratique politiques de julius kambarage nyerere s'inscrivent dans l'effervescence des mouvements nationalistes qui ont prepare l'accession des pays africains a l'independance mais aussi s'apparentent aux theses developpementalistes en vogue au cours des deux premieres decennies qui ont suivi les independances (uhuru). C'est ainsi qu'apres avoir anime un mouvement culturel, la t. A. A. (tanganyika african association), apres l'avoir transforme en parti politique, la tanu (tanganyika african national union) qui deviendra plus tard le ccm (chama cha mapinduzi), apres ses differentes prises de position lors des celebres "conferences d'accra" ou au sein du pafmeca (pan african freedom mouvement for east and central africa), nyerere a cru bon de "forger" une doctrine politique -l'ujamaa- qui rassemble, pele mele, ses convictions chretiennes et fabiennes, ses inclinations socialistes et son attachement aux valeurs d'entraide et de convivialite de la societe africaine traditionnelle. C'est pourquoi, loin de constituer un mythe, de tracer les contours d'une utopie ou d'entretenir un reve, l'ujamaa est d'abord unequete d'identite et de dignite, un cheminement ad augusta per angusta a partir d'un recours aux us et coutumes ancestrales.