
Corps préfectoral et représentations de l'État

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Bordeaux 4




Abstract EN:

This doctorat thesis focus on the prefectorial body, prefects and sub-prefects alike. The administrative organisation was studied from the central idea of "representation", in other words the way in which the members of this corps view the state, how they represent it and in what manner they behave. The study, built around non-directed interviews and a questionnaire, was realised in three stages. Firstly, the present role of the state representative was analysed, which put light on the disruption of the local politico-administrative system post-decentralisation and on the new relationship between the local authorities and the elected representatives. Thus it was possible to highlight the reasoning behind the professionalisation which has developed at the heart of the administrative corps. Secondly, the affective "rapport" which exists between the representative and the state is explained. A lexicometric study of definitions of state and of the general interest given by the respondents of the questionnaire showed that the state is seen as a symbolic construction founded on "order" as opposed to the "chaos" which is equally well represented by the "exterior" as by particular interets. It was also possible to illustrate the impact of the dichotomy between the public sector and the private sector, as experienced by the prefects and the sub-prefects. In the third and final part of the thesis, the process of professional socialisation within the administrative body is given our attention. There we note that a long period of apprenticeship is necessary for the "youngest" in order r to master what is required of them. More generally speaking, it was possible to identify the progressive internalisation of the constraints by the state representatives.

Abstract FR:

Cette these de doctorat porte sur le corps prefectoral, prefets et sous-prefets inclus. Le corps a ete etudie du point de vue des representations. C'est a dire la facon dont les membres du corps concoivent l'etat, le representent et se comportent en son nom. L'etude, construite autour d'entretiens non directifs et d'un questionnaire, a ete menee en trois temps. En premier lieu, on s'est interesse au role actuel de representant de l'etat, ce qui a permis de mettre en lumiere les bouleversements du systeme politico-administratif local depuis la decentralisation et les nouveaux rapports administration locale/elus. Il a alors ete possible de mettre en exergue la logique de professionalisation apparue au sein du corps. La seconde partie a permis pour sa part de montrer le lien affectif qui existe entre le representant et l'etat. Une etude lexicometrique des definitions de l'etat et de l'interet general donnees par les repondants au questionnaire a permis de demontrer que l'etat est percu comme une construction symbolique fondee sur l'ordre qui s'oppose a un discours du chaos represente aussi bien par l'exterieur que par les interets particuliers. Il a egalement ete possible de demontrer tout le poids de la dichotomie entre le secteur public et le secteur prive, telle qu'elle est vecue par les prefets et les sous-prefets. La troisieme partie a insiste particulierement sur le processus de socialisation professionnelle qui se deroule au sein du corps. Elle a montre la necessite d'un long apprentissage pour les elements les plus jeunes afin de dominer l'etendue de leur role. Plus globalement il a ete possible de mettre en lumiere l'interiorisation progressive des contraintes par les representants de l'etat.