
Sociétés civiles et unité du Maghreb

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris 10



Abstract EN:

Rather than adopt the usual institutional and state approach when dealing with the question of maghreb unity, this thesis lays the emphasis on the crucial role of the maghreb civil societies as well as the underlying historical and social reasons responsible for it's developement during the 80's. Thus, inter-magheb dynamics are not only seen from a political angle but also through the existing relationship beetween the basic populations and political powers. Beginning with a multidiscplinary analysis behind the concept of the civil society, this is then applied to the maghreb populations and hence to a fiel work study carried out with their principal instigators (trade union members, human rights/woomen's rights members) thus revealing : the source and drive of the civil societies, their decisive role in the creation of interior and transnational networks along with the religious, cultural, social and political implications. This study tends to show that unity among maghreb countries cannot be achived only with political pressure since the ability of the civil societies to create human, cultural and historical foundations in the regional conglomeration is predominant.

Abstract FR:

Tenant a se demarquer de l'approche institutionnelle et etatique generalement adoptee pour traiter la question de l'unite du maghreb, cette these accorde une place preponderante au role des societes civiles maghrebines ainsi qu'aux facteurs historiques et sociologiques qui, depuis les annees 80, ont favorises leur emergence. Ainsi, la dynamique inter-maghrebine n'est-elle pas exclusivement envisagdu concept de societe civile permettant son application aux societes maghrebines et d'une enquete realisee sur le terrain aupres d'acteurs de ces societes civiles (syndicalistes, membres d'associations des droits de l'homme, de la femme) que nous avons pu mettre en evidence: l'emergence et le dynamisme des societes civiles, leur role determinant dans la mise en place de reseaux interieurs et trans-nationaux couvrant les dimensions religieuse, culturelle,sociale et politique. Ce travail tend a montrer que l'unite des pays du maghreb n'est convevable que si les institutions politiques s'appuient sur la capacite des societes civiles a forger les assises humaines, culturelles et historiques de cet ensemble regional.