
L'évaluation des projets productiques : contribution conceptuelle et méthodologique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Montpellier 1



Abstract EN:

A survey of the automation of production systems in manufacturing and a study of production management assessement procedures highlighted the unifying factor of modernisation. An assessment programme which could take into account the specific features of individual companies was then formulated. Field work gave rise to a better understanding of the modernisation process and to the implementation of evaluation techniques. Capital budgeting criteria are no longer sufficient to set up a technicaleconomic assessment system. Thanks to the study of various production management processes, it was possible to set up a model which could be implemented in manufacturing company. The study was limited to the decisionmaking stage which follows the technical diagnosis. An assessment model which includes the objectives, performance indicators and the design variables of a project was set up and tested in a number of companies. The tests revealed that it can be widely used and is a means to formalise the decision-making process.

Abstract FR:

A partir d'enquetes portant sur l'automatisation des systemes de production manufacturiers, l'evaluation des projets productiques a ete etudiee afin de mettre en evidence le caractere integrateur et globalisant des operations de modernisation. La recherche a alors porte sur une demarche d'evaluation compatible avecla specificite de chaque entreprise. L'etude de terrain a permis d'apprehender le processus de modernisation et de mettre en oeuvre les methodes d'evaluation. L'evaluation technico-economique ne peut plus se faire uniquement sur les criteres de capital budgeting. Differentes demarches productiques sont etudiees et debouchent sur un plan directeur applicable a l'ensemble des industries manufacturieres. Nous avons restreint l'etudes aux phases de prise de decision qui prolongent le diagnostic et l'evaluation technique des projets;. L'etude conduit alors a proposer un nouveau modele d'evaluation qui associe objectifs, indicateurs de performance et variables de conception de projet. Ce modele est teste sur plusieurs cas d'entreprises. Il revele son caractere generalisable et son aptitude a formaliser un processus de prise de decision.