Changement technique, innovation produit et performance socio-economique en agences bancaires
Lyon 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The thesis is relating to the study of relationships brought about by technical change, product innovation and social-economic performance in banking agencies. The work allows to show that the evolution of the environment in the banking agency, regarding in particular the technical change - electronic banking : automated teller machines, home banking terminal, plastic cards - leads to a modification in the portfolio of products offered by the bank to her customers. Beside "visible bank products", highly standardized, "hidden products" are developing, representing a differentiation means, even diversification, for the present banks. The scientific stake of the works consists in a definition of these "hidden products", a study of the conditions in which they occur and proliferate, an exploration of the ways which would allow them to become "visible products", factors of a new social and economic performance. Hence, from several experimentation cases, a prospective consideration in carries out on the future of the bank agency from a social organisation and stategic marketing point of view.
Abstract FR:
La these est consacree a l'etude des liaisons qu'entretiennent changement technique, innovation produit et performance socioeconomique en agences bancaires. Le travail permet de montrer que l'evolution de l'environnement de l'agence bancaire, en particulier liee aux changements techniques - monetique et telematique - induit une modification du portefeuille de produits que la banque offre a sa clientele. A cote de "produits bancaires visibles", largement uniformises, se developpent des "produits caches" qui representent un moyen de differenciation, voire de diversification pour les banques d'aujourd'hui. Definir ces "produits caches", etudier les conditions de leur manifestation et de leur proliferation, explorer les voies qui leur permettraient de devenir des "produits visibles" agents d'une nouvelle performance socio-economique, constituent l'enjeu scientifique des travaux. A partir de cas d'experimentations, il s'agit donc de mener une reflexion prospective sur l'avenir de l'agence bancaire d'un point de vue socio-organisationnel et de marketing strategique.