
Innovation et technologies de l'information, une lecture structurationniste : le cas des technologies internet pour la banque à distance

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 2003




Abstract EN:

The aim of this research is to describe and understand the integration process of Internet banking technologies within an organization of a large bank. In the stream of structuration theory, this thesis suggests to re-visit the innovation process associated with the integration of information technologies. Combining both levels of action and structure in Giddens' sense, this work aims at showing how this organizational phenomena emerges from social interactions between individuals. So far in the literature, these interactions have been too often considered as taking place in a black box. The theoretical contribution of this work stems from a cross fertilisation between Institutionalism, which has been broadly criticised for neglecting human interactions, and recent structurationist work on the articulation between information technologies and organisation. The latter has been criticised for The aim of this research is to describe and understand the integration process of Internet banking missing institutional embedness in the inter-organizational relationsFrom a methodological point of view, this thesis sketches a new way to translate the theory of structuration into organizations. A methodological construct has been designed accordingly to conduct a longitudinal case study in a large bank faced with the up-coming of Internet technologies. Composed of a protocol in five stages, it allows to restore take into account and combine three analytical levels: (i) the inter-organizational field which is analysed through the operationalisation of the concept of representation; (ii) the intra-organizational context which is considered as a local context (i. E. Situated in time and space); and (iii) the human interactions which are approached through the concept of episode proposed by Giddens. Finally, this research graps an important organizational phenomena related to the integration of information technologies, namely inertia. Inertia is cognitively associated with representations and organizationally entrenched in daily actions. Despite some transformations in the intra-organizational context, the study points out to unintended effects and unacknowledged conditions of managers' action that lead to inertia.

Abstract FR:

Cette recherche a pour objectif de décrire et de comprendre le processus d'intégration des technologies Internet pour la banque à distance. Dans la mouvance de la théorie de la structuration, cette thèse propose une relecture du phénomène d'innovation associé à l'intégration des technologies de l'information. Articulant les deux niveaux de l'action et du structurel au sens de Giddens, elle vise ainsi à montrer comment ce phénomène organisationnel émerge des interactions, trop souvent considérées jusqu'ici comme opérant dans une boîte noire.