Analyse des causes explicatives des performances de certaines entreprises privees du departement du calvados
Abstract EN:
The aim of this theis is to analyse the causes which explain the performance of certain private companies struggling for survival, and thereby contributing to contain unemployment; to lay down a few precepts and ground rules which might be taken into account and which ought to enable these companies to carry on in a sound state, thereby ensuring their contin ued existence. Geographical, historical, and socio-economic observation of the calvados made it possible to get to know the business population the better to situate companies regarding their line of business, their legal status and size. Observation, through reaading a variety of literature, of the risks such companies face, the causes of failure and the conditions req uired for their viability, survival and success had a bearing on the qustionnaire. This served as a basis for the interview with business managers, who were carefylly selected to build up the sample of 59 companies. An analysis of the content of the interviews, based on the constituent ratios, first enabled a list to be produced of companies in hierarchical order (confirmed by discriminant analysis); then processing by factor analysis of the numerous correspondences among the majority responses from managers of businesses classed as successful brought to light the causes of conjunction and opposition of companies and their managers. Determination and explanation of influences between variables (bringing the causes together) contributed to the production of retrospective models of successful companies.
Abstract FR:
Le but de cette these est d'analyser les causes expliquant la performance de certaines entreprises privees, luttant pour leur survie, concourant ainsi a contenir le chomage; quelques preceptes et regles degages, susceptibles d'etre pris en consideration, devraient permettre le maintien des entreprises dans des conditions saines assurant leur perennite. L'observation geographique, historique, socio-economique du calvados a permis de connaitre la population d'entreprises afin de mieux les localiser avec leurs activites, leurs formes juridiques et leurs tailles. L'observation des risques encourus, des causes de defaillance et des conditions de viabilite, de survie, de reussite des entreprises, a travers la lecture de divers ouvrages, a influe le questionnaire. Il a servi de base a l'interview des chefs d'entreprise, d'apres un choix raisonne, constituant au fur et a mesure l'echantillon de 59 entreprises. L'analyse de contenu des interviews a permis d'abord, d'apres les ratios constitutifs, un classement hierarchique des entreprises (confirme par l'analyse discriminante); puis le traitement par l'analyse factorielle des correspondances mul tiples des reponses majoritaires des chefs d'entreprise qualifiee performante a fait apparaitre les causes de conjonctio n et d'opposition d'entreprises et de leurs chefs. La determination et l'explication des influences entre les variables (regroupant les causes) ont participe a la constitution de modeles retrospectifs d'entreprises performantes.