
La P. M. E. Italienne

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Bordeaux 4



Abstract EN:

Why the italian small and medium businesses? This question has been often raised and the new interest for the small and medium business as a rule speaks for itself. Most researchers currently agree to analyze new means of management in successful small and medium businesses and seek for pointing out their characteristics in terms of strategy and/or finance in comparison with big companies. The italian economy remains an uncompleted study in many sectors by french researchers, whereas italian small and medium business are often shown as particularly flexible and very competitive. The aim of this research consists of identifying the main characteristics of the italian small and medium businesses and adding a new vision about their competitiveness and strategic inter-activity. The significantaspects of italian small and medium businesses are an active localization and "polyformism" organization. This typical organization seems to be a successful factor of their competitiveness. The vertical and horizontal regional integration, the interdependence between small and medium businesses and the different structures in networks, are dynamic components for their strategic or/and financial attitude. These networks are known as "industrial districts". This research attempts to give us new answers from a sample of 37 italian small and medium business located in an identified "marshall" industrial district in the north of italy. The results of this study have underlined typical and original management in a regional structure network.

Abstract FR:

Pourquoi la p. M. E. Italienne? Cette question a ete soulevee de nombreuses fois et le regain d'interet pour la p. M. E. Et p. M. I. D'une maniere generale suffit pour s'en convaincre. La plupart des chercheurs s'attachent desormais a etudier de nouveaux modes de gestion des p. M. E. Qui reussissent, et cherchent a mettre en evidence leurs specificites en matiere strategique ou financiere par rapport aux grandes entreprises. L'italie reste a bien des egards un champ d'etudes inexploite par les auteurs francais. Les p. M. E. Et p. M. I. Italiennes ont ete jugees par de nombreux chercheurs, comme particulierement flexibles et competitives. L'objectif de notre recherche est d'analyser les specificites de la p. M. E. -p. M. I. Italienne et contribuer a apporter un regard nouveau sur la performance de leurs comportements strategiques. La p. M. E. Italienne se caracterise par une implantation active a l'espace regional et par une structure d'organisation polyforme. Ce polyformisme est un facteur cle de succes qui a sa part dans la performance reconnue de la p. M. E. -p. M. I. Italienne. L'integration verticale et horizontale regionale, l'interdependance entre les p. M. E. , les differentes structures de reseaux, agissent de maniere interactive sur leurs comportements strategiques et financiers. Notre etude se propose donc, d'eclairer les facteurs de performance de la p. M. E. Italienne, a partir d'un echantillon de 37 p. M. E. Situees dans un district industriel marshallien du nord de l'italie. Les resultats de l'analyse descriptive et multidimensionnelle souligneront le particularisme et l'originalite des comportements strategiques de ces p. M. E.