
Organisation et stratégie des banques islamiques

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 13



Abstract EN:

This thesis provides elements of reflection concerning the practice and procedures of the islamic banks. It treats the islamicx banking system which is based on the prohibition of the practice of "interest" per the islamic law (chair'a). In this thesis, we have tempted to demonstrate how the systeme of "interest" rejected by the chari'a could be replaced by a system based on the "mudaraba, musharaka" (finance on the basis of participation of gain and loss) and others which do not contradict the islamic law. We have, later on, tempted to emphasize on the organization and the function of the islamic bank through a deep analysis of its activities and standard of practive. Thus we could notice the adaptation of the islamic bank to all banking services required by clients nowadays. Finally, analysis of the performances and strategies of the islamic banks allowed to identify certain problems and constraints which they were facing. We have not spared any effort in bringing solutions to these problems as well as to tohers we think useful for the development of the islamic banks.

Abstract FR:

Cette these donne matiere a reflexion sur la pratique et l'experience des banques islamiques. Elle aborde le systeme bancaire islamique, base, en principe sur la prohibition de la pratique de l'interet par la loi islamique (chari'a). Dans cette these, nous avons tente de demontret comment le systeme "interet" rejete par la chari'a peut etre remplace par un autre systeme base sur la madaraba, la musharaka (financement a base de participation aux profits et pertes) et d'autres ne contredisant pas la loi islamique. Nous avons tente ensuite de mettre en evidence l'organisation et le fonctionnement de la banque islamique au travers d'une analyse approfondie de ses activites et de ses modes de fonctionnement. Ainsi nous avons pu constater une adaptation des banques islamiques a toutes les exigence bancaires du client contemporain. Enfin, les analyses des performances et des strategies des banques islamiques ont permis d'identifier certains problemes et contraintes auxquelles elles sont confrontees. Nous n'avons pas manque l'occasion d'apporter des solutions a ces problemes ainsi qu'a d'autre qui nous semblent utiles au developpement des banques islamiques. C bank through a deep analysis of its activities and standard of practice. Thus we could notice the adaptation of the is lamic bank to all banking services required by clients nowadays. Finally, analysis of the performances and strategies of the islamic banks have allowed to identify certain problems and constraints which they were facing. We have not spared any effort in bringing solutions to these problems as well as to others we think useful for the development of the isla mic banks.