
Contribution à la connaissance et à la recherche d'efficacité de la BEAC

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Bordeaux 1



Abstract EN:

The following thesis whose subject matter is once again mentioned above is a critical analysis by a university graduate who also happens to be a member of the institution under review. It first of all looks at the central african states central bank as a system, that is a whole with a variety of flux, and shows, following the example of the french central bank's mechanisms, that financial issues are increasingly becoming complex ; most of the time, they alone take up the main available energies. The study then recalls the key steps of the organization and shows that in the beginning its structures were heavily centralized ; an attempt at a decentralization was later initiated, followed by a rapid growth of the logistics and manpower potential. Unfortunately, this rapid expansion was not accompanied by a gradual adequation of the organizational structure, resulting now into the questioning of the work structures and methods. Thus this method of approach leads to a re-definition and the suggestion of a framework for the reorganization of the bank's various activities. The step followed is also presented as a compulsory step

Abstract FR:

La presente recherche dont le theme est rappele ci-dessus est une analyse critique faite par un universitaire participant lui-meme au fonctionnement de l'institution etudiee. Elle considere d'abord la banque des etats de l'afrique centrale comme un systeme c'est a dire un ensemble traverse par une multitude de flux, et montre a l'instar des mecanismes de la banque de france que les problemes financiers sont devenus de plus en plus complexes ; le plus souvent ils absorbent seuls l'essentiel des energies disponibles. Cette etude rappelle ensuite les grandes etapes qui ont marque la vie de cette organisation et montre qu'a l'origine, les structures en presence