Le diagnostic anténatal : approche juridique
Bordeaux 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Thanks to the development of ultrasonography, of biological sampling techniques ether foetal (emniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, fetal blood sampling), and maternal, thanks to biological advances (karyotype, biochemistry, molecular biology (pcr)), the prenatal diagnosis allows not only the diagnosis of chromosomal aberrations, genetic disorders, inbom errors of metabolism, but also of birth defects or abnormalily. This enables to implement therapeutics meant to save the foetus through the intermediary of his mother during the foetal life. Faced with the current breakthroughs in biological research and the risks of deviation incurred, the prenatal diagnosis has been subjected to parliamentary debates of the bioethics bill concerning medically assisted procreation. From now on the 29th of jully 1994 law will rule it together with the set up of multi disciplinary centers (specialized obstetrician, physician geneticist, biolost, ultrasonography specialist) if the decision of abortion is made for therapeutic reasons, the advice of two doctors is required it is compulsery for the former to belong to the prenatal diagnosis center and the other doctor must be an expert with the court of appeal. The embryo samping requires the written agreement of both parents. There are pending sanctions should anyone not abide by these ruling procedures. All the medical pracdtictioners involved in the prenatal diagnosis (specialized obstetrician, physician genetist biologist, ultrasonography specialist) risk having their medical responsability at stake once. The prenatal diagnosis aims at knowing better in order to cure better right from the foetal period.
Abstract FR:
Le diagnostic prenatal, grace au developpement de l'ecjhographe, des techniques de prelements biologiques foetaux (anniocentese, choriocentese, dordocentese) et maternbels, et des progres de la biologie (caryotype, biochimie, biologie moleculaire (pcr)), permet non seulement le diagnostic des aberrations chromosomiques, des maladies genetiques et metaboliques mais aussi de malformations ou de certaines anomalies permettant de mettre en route des therapeutiques destinees a sauver des foetus par l'intermediaire de la mere pendant la vie foetale. Devant les progres actuels de la recherche blomedicale et les risques de derive, le diagnostic prenatal a fait l'objet des discussions de la loi de bioethique relative a la procreation medicalement assistee, il est dorenavant reglemente par la loi du 29 juillet 1994 avec la creation de centres multidisciplinaires (gyneco-obstetricien, geneticien, biologiste, echographiste). S'il aboutit a une decision d'interruption de grossesse pour motif therapeutique, l'avis de deux medecins est necessaire dont l'un doit appartenir au centre de diagnostic prenatal et l'autre etre expert pres de la cour d'appel le diagnostic premplantatoire necessite le consetement ecrit des deux parents en cas de non-respect ds procedures, des sanctions sont prevues, tous les intervenants impliques danbs le diagnostic prenatal (gyneco-obstetricien, geneticien, biologiste echographiste) peuvent voir un jour leur responsabilite medicale mise en jeu. Le diagnostic prenatal a pour but de savoir pour mieux soigner des la periode foetale.