
Le regime juridique des investissements directs dans certains pays d'asie cas de la chine, de l'indonesie, de la malaisie, de taiwan, de la thailande et du vietnam

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 5



Abstract EN:

Up to now, the wealth of researchs on international foreing direct investment (fdi) has let little room to the national legislations of host countries. Each country included in this study have adopted sophisticated and efficient promotional legislations. In the part devoted to the study of the general company law of each country, the authors set out a comparative classification of the main forms of companies available and compare the rules regarding the constitution, management and dissolution of companies. In the study of the specific legislation for companies with foreign investment, a panorama of different policies and regulations appears concerning the control and approval of fdi. Nonetheless, the long term trend seems to be of relaxation and for the countries concerned, the national legislations adopt a liberal stance toward foreign participation. In general, the national legislations provide more or less generous incentives for tax and customs duties and less publicized measures to support the companies with foreign investment in their operational activities (such as land use and labour legislation). As concluding remark, the authors admitted that if the overall positive role or encouraging legislation concerning fdi in the developing countries is still to be demonstrated, the outstanding success obtained by the asian countries in utilizing fdi should deserve a more acute interest for their national legislation

Abstract FR:

Les etudes juridiques consacrees, jusqu'a present, aux investissements directs internationaux ont laisse peu de place a l'analyse des legislations nationales des pays d'accueil des investissements. Les six pays d'asie etudies ici ont mis en oeuvre des legislations incitatives, sophistiquees, et efficaces. Dans l'analyse du regime general dudroit des societes applicable aux investissements etrangers,. .