
Les contributions des états membres au budget de l'Organisation internationale du travail

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Aix-Marseille 3



Abstract EN:

One of major problems that the i. L. O. Has been faced with concerning the budgetary contributions of its member states. Two camps, nonely the west and the group 77, cooperating with the non-alignment group use thier provilege tp @reserve their interest in the organization. The former takes an upper hand on financial matters while the latter who have been supported by socialist countries, control majority vote in the general assembly. As a result, the latter can easily win whenever important decisions relating to their interest have to be taken by the general assembly. The confrontation between these two camps has brought about administrative arguments since the last decade. On one hand, the i. L. O. Acknowledge the existence of democratic structure of the organization. On the other, it also faces the problem of the possibility of the withdrawal of its great contributors the above mentioned problem also leads to two other problems. Firstly the group 77 and the non-alignment group want to have as an equal nomber of their personnel in the secretariat as the west. Secontly, they also want to adjust the percentage of contributions of each member state. Given this fact, one should cast a doubt on the future of an organizational system of the united nations which has also expirienced the same problam. In addition, the voting power of the group 77

Abstract FR:

L'un des problemes epineux qu'affronte l'o. I. T. A present concerne les contributions des etats membres. Les pays des deux camps s'exercent leurs "provileges" afin de preserver leurs in des 77, des non-alignes, qui sont appuyes par le bloc socialiste detiennent la majorite des voix et ils remportent facilement lorsque lmes decisions importantes de l'assemblee pleniere reviennent a leurs propres interets. L'affrontement entre ddes deux camps a cree de vifs debats des dix dernieres annees. L'o. I. T. A connu un probleme de democratisation dans sa structure et une eventalite du retrait des grands contribueurs. De ce fait, se posent deux question ; la tentation des reformateurs d'integrer equitablement leurs ressortissants dans le secretariat et une ouverture a la discussion sur un nouveau bareme des contributions a l'o. I. T. On pourrait se douter donc sur l'avenir des organisations de la famille onusien qui connaissent les problemes semblables. Leurs discussions restent encore dans l'impasse. Avec l'effondrement recent du regime communiste des pays de l'europe de l'est, le groupe des 77 se verrait-il coupe de tout soutien ? la politisation entre les etats membres prendrait-elle une autre face dans le systeme onusien ?