Contrats internationaux de coopération industrielle entre parties d'inégal développement : Ouest/Sud
Abstract EN:
The international contract of industrial cooperation between developed and developing parties is distinguished by :. A common objective "object clauses",. Acquisition of technology process, "reason clauses",. A long term "evolutive contract". The relationship between the parties is based on mutual trust, intiutu personna. Moreover, contractors are in equal position vis-a-vis the "object clause". This kind of contract could be constituted according to two formalities : contractual or institutional. The concerning governments and the international organization, e. G. Unido, encourage industrial firms from western and southern countries to establish contracts of cooperation. However, those contracts suffer from the lack of specific legal rules, neither national nor international.
Abstract FR:
Le contrat de cooperation entre parties de developpement inegal, ouest sud, se caracterise par : -son objectif commun : objet du contrat ; - l'acquisition de la maitrise industrielle : cause de contrat ; - sa longue duree et son caractere evolutif. Les liens entre les partenaires sont bases sur la confiance reciproque et l'egalite. Le contrat peut avoir deux formes : contractuelle et institutionnelle. La conclusion de ce genre de contrat est encouragee par les gouvernements. Cependant, ce contrat survi dans un environnement juridique defavorable.