Contribution à l'étude des radios locales privées en France : l'expérience des radios locales privées en Lorraine
Nancy 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This thesis is a study on the application in lorraine of the laws concerning private local radios. After having broadcasting in parallel to the state monopoly, and this in total anarchy, the so-called "free" radio stations were legally acknowledged only after the presidential elections of 1981, when a government with a socialist majority was appointed. The diverse obligations that they were imposed (either technical or concerning their programs) overwhelmed them with financial difficulties. As soon as the haute autorite (high authorities) of audiovisual communications authorized it, they received subsidies through the fonds de soutien a l'expression radiophonique locale (support funds for local radio expression) that was created to this effect. Advertising was legally forbidden, so they found different ways to finance themselves in order to survive. The law passed the 1st of august 1984 finnaly accorded them the right to advertise, but only if they set themselves up in small or average sized fims. But the partnership sector continued to exist, and, in the face of this legal emptiness, a third category devleopped, part-partnership, part-firm. The election in march 1986 of an assemblee nationale (national parliament) with a reght-wing majority (udf rpr) saw through the voting on the 30 th of september 1986 of the leotard law. Amongst other things, it replaced the haute autorite by the commission nationale de la communication et des libertes (national communication and rights commission). The will to organize the freedom of audiovisual communication still comes up against a fundamental difficulty : how to reconcile the freedom of the broadcasting stations with the freedom of the listeners, who have a right to maximum "listening comfort", both "materially and morally" ?
Abstract FR:
Cette these est consacree a l'etude de l'application, en lorraine, des lois concernant les radios locales privees. Emettant en marge du monopole etatique, dans l'anarchie la plus complete, les stations dites "libres", puis "locales privees", ne furent reconnues qu'apres l'election presidentielle de 1981 et la designation d'un gouvernement a majorite socialiste. Les obligations diverses qui pesaient sur elles (techniques ou de programme) les accablaient de difficultes financieres. Une fois autorisees par la haute autorite de la communication audiovisuelle, elles recurent des subventions par le canal d'un fonds de soutien a l'expression radiophonique locale, cree a cet effet. La publicite leur etant legalement interdite, elles imaginerent, pour survivre, divers moyens de financement propre. La loi du 1er aout 1984 finit pourtant par leur accorder le droit a la publicite, a condition qu'elles se constituent en petites et moyennes entreprises. Mais le secteur associatif continuait d'exister et, face a un vide juridique, une troisieme categorie naquit, de type mi-associatif, mi-commercial. L'election en mars 1986, d'une assemblee nationale a majorite de droite (udf rpr), entraina le vote, le 30 septembre 1986, de la loi leotard. Celle-ci, entre autres, remplace la haute autorite par la commission nationale de la communication et des libertes. La volonte d'organiser la liberte de la communication audiovisuelle continue neanmoins de se heurter a une difficulte fondamentale : comment concilier la liberte des stations emettrices avec celle des auditeurs qui ont droit au "confort d'ecoute" maximal, "materiel et moral" ?