
Les centres hospitaliers universitaires au Maroc

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Montpellier 1



Abstract EN:

The notion of university hospital center (u. H. C) is complex. It is especially characterized by three features. First of all is a duality of public establishments : the faculty of medecine and the hospital. The second is a duality of functions: hospitables and universitaries. Last feature is a double use of a common staff. The study is realized according to an approach which is articulated around two axes: the u. H. C status on one hand their functions on the other hand. By their national vocation and their multidisciplinary competences, the u. H. C are in charge of assuming a public service mission which consists mainly in assuring to their users the following tasks: curative and preventive medical care; and medical teaching and medical research works. The autonomy granted to morocan u. H. C is insufficient. It does not permit them to be in harmony with their ample missions. They act most certainly a main task in sanitary allowances as they represent about 25% of the hospital capacity of the country. But it remains the problem of their organization which suffers from a deficiency of coordination and a lack of universitary hospital policy. The expanded adaptation efforts are enormous. Three main reforms establish them: that of 1982 bringing new status of medical staff; the january 15 th 1983 reform erecting hospital centers in public establishments; and that of january 31 th 1983 instituting medical studies regime. So progres ways are drawn, but their outcome depends necessarily on political will to act.

Abstract FR:

La notion de centre hospitalier universitaire est complexe. Trois traits notamment la caracterisent. Tout d'abord, une dualite d'etablissements publics: la faculte de medecine et l'hopital. Ensuite, une dualite de fonction: hospitalieres et universitaires. Enfin, une double appartenance d'un personnel commun. L'etude est realisee selon une approche qui s'articule autour de deux axes: les statuts des c. H. U. D'une part et leurs fonctions d'autre part. De vocation nationale et d'attributions multidisciplinaires, les chu sont charges d'assumer une mission de service public qui consiste notamment a assurer, a leurs usagers, les soins medicaux curatifs et preventifs; a dispenser l'enseignement medical; et a effectuer les travaux de recherche medicale. L'autonomie octroyee aux chu marocains est insuffisante. Elle ne leur permet pas d'aller de pair avec l'ampleur de leurs missions. Ils jouent, certes, un role capital dans les prestations sanitaires, puisqu'ils representent pres de 25% de la capacite hospitaliere du pays. Mais demeure le probleme de leur organisation qui souffre d'une deficience de coordination et d'un defaut de politique hospitalo-universitaire. Les efforts d'adaptation deployes sont enormes. Trois principales reformes les consacrent: celle de 1982 portant nouveau statut du personnel medical; celle du 15 janvier 1983 erigeant les centres hospitaliers en etablissements publics; et celle, enfin, du 31 janvier 1983 instituant le regime des etudes medicales. Les voies du progres sont donc tracees, mais leur aboutissement depend necessairement d'une volonte politique d'agir.