La passation des marchés de travaux publics au Congo
Montpellier 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The marketin-board hand-out of public works in congo has never brought out enthousiasm to congolese theoricians, a blurring turning point, considering the importance of the problem and the critic in connection with the act dating up from 1959, organising the juridical regulation. As a matter of fact, the applying of the 1982's act, organising the same matter, fell tobe into application, so giving way to the examination of the issue. A comparatively study to which were submitted the above. Two mentionned questions has enabled to denote the following : that it embodies commonly disposals and which permity to make full use of a new hand. Out system deriving from the old system. The collegial system stands for the solely system in which the legal authority has the right of decision.
Abstract FR:
La passation des marches de travaux publics au congo n'a guere suscite l'enthousiasme des exegetes congolais, paradoxe affligeant quand on connait l'acuite du probleme et le proces qui est fait au decret du 9 mars 1959 qui organise sa reglementation juridique. Aussi l'adoption du decret de 1982, organisant la meme matiere, tombait a point nomme pour proceder a l'examen de la question. L'etude comparative a laquelle a ete soumise les deux decrets sus-indiques a permis de constater : qu'ils presentent des dispositions communes relatives a la matiere. Toutefois le nouveau decret se singularise par les dispositions qui lui sont propres et qui permettent de mettre en oeuvre un systeme de passation nouveau qui se demarque de l'ancien systeme. Le systeme collegial prend le pas sur le systeme unique ou seule decidait l'autorite competente.