Contribution à l'étude de l'action sanitaire et sociale du Croissant-Rouge marocain
Montpellier 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The marrocan red crescent is a moral entity which is not profit-seeking and recongnized as a public utility on the same basis as the international red cross. This organization has a humanitarian, health and social objective and car be considered as providing a private right. Such national societies in developing countries are confronted with a disfuctional organizational and structural setup and hence require institutional reform. The lack of professionalism and financial means need to be resolued namely throught operational funds which can really participate in the social and economic development process of the country. The instauration of an adequate judicial set-u@p for the production and distrivution of medicines furnished by this institution is a preprequisite for sucess. This has been the objective of the first part of this study. The second part concentrates on the role of this public service within the activity of the maroccan red crescent, both at the national and international level, the nature of the relationship with the headquarters at geneva and other humanitarian organizations in order to develop and respond to the objectives of the international red cross novement. These activities have to be re-organized in order to be in corcondance with the humble mission assigned to it from beginning. Keywords: marrocan red crescent; first-aid-social-health, international red cross, maroccan health system,. . .
Abstract FR:
Le croissant-rouge marocain personne morale de droit prive a but non lucratif, reconnue d'utilite publique a l'instar de la croix-rouge internationale, d'un but humanitaire, sanitaire et social. Societe nationale de pays en voie de developpement qui accuse une structure organisationnelle et structurelle necessitant des reformes institutionnelles, l'insuffisance de professionnalisation et de moyens financiers necessitant des appels de fonds necessaires a son bon fonctionnement afin de participer au developpement economique et social du pays. L'instauration d'un cadre juridique adequat pour la production et la distribution des soins medicaux fournis par cette institution, c'est l'objet de la premiere partie. La deuxieme partie, traite de la mission de service public dans l'activite du c. R. M. , aussi bien au niveau national qu'international, la nature des rapports avec la centrale de geneve et les autres institutions humanitaires, afin de vulgariser et propager les ideaux du mouvements de la croix-rouge internationale. Ses missions devraient etre revalorisees afin d'etre a la hauteur de la mission humble qu'il s'est assignee au depart. Mots - cles: c. R. M. , secours-social-sanitaire, c. R. I. Systeme sanitaire marocain. Coordination, complementarite, mouvement international humanitaire, but non lucra- tif, missions de service public, association. Doctorat d'etat: doctorat de 3eme cycle, specialite.