Le Principe de l'utilisation pacifique de l'espace extra-atmosphérique
Montpellier 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
A study of international law on the principle of the peaceful use of outer space. The first part of this study consists of understanding the principle as it is defined, analysing the sources it derives from, the corollaries which tend to confirm it and the contoversies it has raised. The second part is devoted to the limits of the principle, as demonstrated in military uses and the advantage that is taken, because of the strategie importance of such use, of defifiencies in the legal system as it now stands. The third part covers the question of international cooperation which has develop in the various fields of space activity : telecommunications, remote sensing and scientific research, and which contribute to making the principle of the peaceful use of outer space effective.
Abstract FR:
Etude du droit international sur le principe de l'utilisation pacifique de l'espace. La premiere partie consiste a apprehender le principe dans sa formulation, en analysant les sources dans lesquelles il s'inscrit, les corollaires qui tendent a le confirmer et les controverses auxquelles il a donne lieu. La seconde partie est consacree aux limites du principe, caracterisees par les utilisations militaires qui compte tenu de leur poids strategique beneficient d'un regime juridique lacunaire. La troisieme partie porte sur la cooperation internationale qui s'est developpee dans les differents domaines d'activites spatiales (telecommunication, teledetection et recherche scientifique) et qui favorise l'effectivite du principe de l'utilisation pacifique de l'espace.