Les tarifs aériens de passagers sur vols réguliers en Europe : plus particulièrement étude de la politique de la France et du RoyaumeUni en la matière
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
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Abstract FR:
Scheduled passengers air fares in europe are the result of both national and international, private and public regulations which are very tigh. The deregulation of air transport in the united-states enables us to question the european air pricing system and its control. In this matter, two states follow different policies. On one hand, great-britain is liberalizing this field by taking away state control. On the other hand, france, an interventionnist country, undertakes to keep public control of this activity to protect it from the european competition. On an european level, air fares are the subject of studies and projects by the european economic community and the civil aviation air commission. A consensus is beginning to appear in europe. It is necessary to organize a fare procedure adjusted to the european need, liberalizing instead of deregulating.