Le système douanier colonial de la cote d'ivoire. 1889-1958 : Instrument de domination économique ou de mise en valeur
Abstract EN:
Among all the economic and fiscal regulations that ruled the west-french africa trade, during the colonial period, the customs system was the keystone. The one of the ivory coast was specific. This original customs regulation was imposed by great britain that subordinated the recognition of the border between the colonies of the ivory coast and of the gold coast (present ghana) to the acceptance of a non discriminatory customs tariff. This restrant that touched french sovereignty seems to have been beneficient to the ivory coast that could, on the one hand, limit the effects of the economic domination that was at that time characteristic of the french colonial policy and, on the other hand, benefit by this commercial oppotunity to value its territory.
Abstract FR:
De toutes les dispositions economiques et fiscales qui presidaient aux echanges commerciaux de l'afrique occidentale francaise, pendant la periode coloniale, le systeme douanier constituait la piece maitresse. Celui de la cote d'ivoire fut particulier. Cette originalite fut imposee par la grande-bretagne qui subordonna la reconnaissance de la frontiere separant les colonies de cote d'ivoire et de gold coast (actuel ghana) a l'adoption d'un tarif douanier non discriminatoire. Cette contrainte qui portait atteinte a la souverainete francaise a, semble t'il, ete benefique pour la cote d'ivoire qui a pu, d'une part, attenuer les effets de la domination economique qui caracterisaient a l'epoque la politique coloniale francaise et, d'autre part, profiter de cette ouverture commerciale pour mettre en valeur son territoire.