Decentralisation culturelle et territoires
Abstract EN:
Decentralization implies the attribution of state power to regional and local authorities. But in the cultural sector, european comparisons show the difficulty in distributing powers according to domains of activity. Another method consists in having the functional and the territorial approaches overlap in order to determine which cultural roles and financial obligations each public authority has to assume. In applying this method to france, one can aim for a better cultural planning and development of regional and local areas, on the condition of having a reinforced cooperation. One must, on the one hand, stay on the road of establishing contracts, initiated by the government, already including planification contracts between the state and the regions and cultural development agreements with all kinds of local authorities, by extending them to contracts among themselves and with the deconcentrated state. One should, on the other hand, consider the inclusion of new partners and territorial entities that are emerging by virtue of the subsidiarity principle. Regional (state and decentralized) authorities have become intermediaries of the european union cultural actions and regional policies, that can be also transfrontier or interregional. Communes, for their part, are invited to work together as nearby neighbours or in a network, relying on their cultural actors. Furthermore, towns and cities must more intensely take into account their neighbourhoods, suburbs and rural surroundings. Geographical, cultural, economic or social subregions ("pays" in france) and metropolitan areas are perhaps the important entities of the future, but one must then distinguish the cultural actions in the proximity from the structuring cultural policies with largescale means and wide-ranging events, according to their areas of influence.
Abstract FR:
La decentralisation implique l'attribution de competences de l'etat aux collectivites locales. Mais dans le secteur culturel, des comparaisons europeennes montrent la difficulte que rencontrent tous les pays pour repartir les competences par domaines. Une autre methode consiste a croiser les approches fonctionnelle et territoriale afin de determiner les responsabilites et les charges de chaque collectivite publique. En l'appliquant en france, on peut rechercher un meilleur amenagement et developpement culturels du territoire, a condition d'une cooperation renforcee. Il faut, d'une part poursuivre dans la voie de la contractualisation initiee par l'etat, avec les conventions de developpement culturel et les contrats de plan etat- region, en l'etendant aux collectivites locales entre elles et avec l'etat deconcentre. Il convient, d'autre part, de considerer les nouveaux partenaires et les nouveaux territoires qui emergent en vertu du principe de subsidiarite. Les autorites regionales sont devenues les relais des actions culturelles et des politiques regionales communautaires. Des cooperations interregionales et transfrontalieres peuvent alors se dessiner. Les communes, quant a elles, sont invitees a se regrouper en intercommunalites de proximite ou en reseaux, en s'appuyant sur les acteurs culturels. Les villes doivent par ailleurs prendre davantage en compte leurs quartiers et leurs peripheries urbaines et rurales. Les "pays" et les agglomerations sont peut-etre les territoires de demain, mais il faut alors distinguer l'action culturelle de proximite des politiques culturelles structurantes au moyen d'equipements et de manifestations d'envergure, en fonction de leur aire de rayonnement.