La gestion d'un programme spatial de l'esa : ers-1 ou la teledetection par satellite
Lille 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This thesis is based on the management of the most advanced remote sensing satellite program ers-1 of the european space agency which vovers the totality of development stages (1st part) and operating activities about the satellite (2d part). The first part includes the historical background of the agency as well as the prominent aspects of the convention and the basic juridical environment of the spatial international activities what makes it more easy next to understand the industrial policy of this program, the realization and spatial launching contracts of the ers-1 satellite, as well as the insurance policies. The second part focuses on the heading principles of spatial remote sensing activities and especially on the preliminary proceedings till the 41 65 resolution of december 3rd 1986 of the general assembly of the united nations. The various applications of the remote sensing activities to the ers-1 mission will also be examined in this second part, together with the ers-1 data policy which covers areas such as the data collecting and dispatching, the tariff policy and finally the data protection.
Abstract FR:
Cette these porte sur la gestion du programme ers-1 de teledetection par satellite de l'agence spatiale europeenne qui couvre l'ensemble des operations de developpement (1ere partie) et d'exploitation (2eme partie) de ce satellite. La premiere partie traite des fondements historiques de l'agence, des traits saillants de sa convention ainsi que de l'environnement juridique general des activites internationales spatiales qui permettent d'apprehender la politique industrielle de ce programme, des contrats de realisation et de lancement spatial du satellite ers-1 ainsi que des politiques d'assurance. La seconde partie presente les principes directeurs de la teledetection spatiale et, notamment, les travaux preparatoires ayant abouti a la resolution 41 65 du 3 decembre 1986 de l'assemblee generale des nations unies. D'autre part, sont examinees les applications de la teledetection spatiale a la mission ers-1 ainsi que la politique des donnees d'ers-1 qui concerne des domaines varies comme l'acquisition et la diffusion des donnees, la politique des prix et la protection des donnees.