
La France face à la construction de la citoyenneté européenne

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1999







Abstract EN:

To determine and to identify the interactions between european union citizenship, carried on the font by the maastricht treaty, and french constitutional rights was the purpose of this present research which vital lead is the existence, in france, of a certain hesitation concerning first, the conceptualization then, the constitutionalization and lastly, the implementation of european citizenship. In the first part, the european citizenship conceptualization revealed the independant nature and the complementary function of this notion which comes within the scope of a political and judicial support. The study of the constitutional rules and the position of the political actors shows how difficult it is to give a legal definition to this very support. Seen as a sham state, the european union nevertheless promotes a federal dynamic confirmed by the establishment of the european citizenship. This conceptual link allows to understand the hostility of a significant part of the french political community towards this transnational citizenship even if the french constitutional right has already aknowledged, during the ivth and vth republics, french union and community citizenships which have, in many ways, foreshadowed a european union citizenship. The second part, devoted to the study of the legal rules, aims at transposing, in france, european citizens' three rights which are mentioned before. It illustrates the attitude of the french policy actors who tried to limit, in the name of a respect of national sovereignty, the impact of the provisions allowing non national european citizens to exercise, in france, their rights as union citizens. In this respect, one can talk of a marriage of convenience, which has partly been celebrated by the constitutional council, between france and european citizenship,. By checking whether or not the consecration of such or such rights ignored the french constitutional order, the jurisdiction has contributed to divide this incorporation process in two modes. The first one, concerning the legislative adjustments, did not need a constitutional revision (electoral rights, access to french civil service and free movement of persons within the schengen area. ).

Abstract FR:

Ayant pour objectif de rechercher et d'identifier les interactions entre la citoyennete de l'union europeenne (u. E) portee sur les fonts baptismaux par le traite de maastricht et le droit constitutionnel francais, la presente recherche a pour fil conducteur l'existence, en france d'une certaine hesitation face a la conceptualisation, puis la constitutionnalisation et, enfin, la mise en oeuvre de la citoyennete europeenne. La conceptualisation, dans la premiere partie, de la citoyennete europeenne a revele le caractere autonome et la fonction complementaire de cette notion qui s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un support politico-juridique (l'u. E) dont la qualification juridique est malaisee ainsi que 1 atteste l'etude des normes constitutionnelles et de la position des acteurs politiques qui on essaye de le definir. Faux-semblant d'etat, l'u. E promeut neanmoins une dynamique federale verifiee par la consecration de la citoyennete europeenne. Ce lien conceptuel permet de comprendre l'hostilite d'une partie non negligeable de la classe politique francaise vis-a-vis de cette citoyennete transnationale alors meme que le droit constitutionnel francais a deja connu, sous la iveme et au debut de la veme republique des citoyennetes de l'union puis de la communaute francaises qui prefigurent, sur de nombreux points, la citoyennete de l'u. E. La deuxieme partie consacree a l'etude des normes juridiques visant a transposer, en france, les trois droits du citoyen europeen precites illustre, quant a elle, l'attitude des acteurs politiques francais qui ont essaye, lors du processus d'integration de la citoyennete europeenne dans l'ordre constitutionnel republicain, de limiter, au nom du respect de la souverainete nationale, la portee des dispositions autorisant les citoyens europeens non nationaux a exercer en france leurs droits de citoyen de l'union. On peut parler, a cet egard, d'un mariage de raison entre la france et la citoyennete europeenne qui a ete celebre, en partie, par le conseil constitutionnel. En verifiant si la consecration de tel ou tel droit meconnaissait, ou non, l'ordre constitutionnel francais, la juridiction a contribue a scinder ce processus d'incorporation en deux modalites. La premiere - celle des amenagements legislatifs - n'a pas necessite de revision constitutionnelle (droit de vote et d'eligibilite au parlement europeen, acces a la fonction publique fr