Les achats d'armes et de matériels militaires au Liban
Montpellier 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In lebanon arms and military materials perchases is a complex probem in which various internal powers become involved, and some behaviour which spring from historical, political, geographical and institutional environment, seeing their object, this purchases imply establishing relations with powerful and industrialized international partners which through their influence are liable to upset and to distort-on the detriment of the national administration- the contract which is the juridical and administrative implement of the realization. This contract, which is administrative by nature, concerning its military particularism in a non industiralized country, is fondamentally atypical, its originality is due to legal dispositions which favour a discretionary power, given to the military authorities, by the successives leba- nese regimes, this brings about rather unusual modes of preparation which approach the arbitary, and are difficult if not risky, by carry out in a context, that is marked by political or economic crises. The universality of the national defense whose needs constitute the objective of the contract is sometims a pretext whose aim is to maintain through the armed forces the prerogatives of a single political cate- gory. The juridical political consideration found within contract operations conduc- ted by lebanese military authorities, is singled out here, in order to find a solu- tion even though "the problem is not write the truth but to find some one willing to read it".
Abstract FR:
Au liban les achats d'armes et de materiels militaires traduisent l'imbrication des divers pouvoirs internes, et revelent un certain comportement qui puise dans un environnement historique, politique, geographique et institutionnel, ces achats vue leur objet impliquent de traiter avec des partenaires internationaux forts et industrialises, qui par leur poids risquent de bouleverser et de denaturer au detriment des pouvoirs publics le contrat, qui est le moyen juridique et administratif de la realisation. Ce contrat est administratif par sa nature, en egard son particularisme militaire dans un pays non industrialise, accuse des specificites marquees par des dispositions legales particulieres favorisant un pouvoir discretionnaire liberatoire, fourni au commandement militaire, par les regimes libanais successifs, ce pouvoir d'execution difficile, voire aleatoire dans une conjoncture de crises politique et economique. L'unversalite de la defense nationale dont les besoins constituent l'objectif du contrat, est parfois un pretexte pour assurer a l'armee, les prerogatives d'une seule categorie politique. La revelation de cette consideration juridico-politique dans les operations contractuelles militaires libanaises est ici degagees pour mieux y trouver remede, encore que la difficulte ne soit pas toujours d'ecrire la verite mais de trouver quelqu'un qui la lise.