
Le droit administratif des assemblees parlementaires

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1999



Lille 2



Abstract EN:

This thesis, to put it in a nushell, endaeavour to show that the parliamentary assemblies use law especially the administrative law - to organize their sevices and mater them work properly this study is based on a twofold analysis. In the first place, it has been necessary to evince the evolution of the administrative structures of parliament and of the rules which have organized them from 1789 to the fifth republic. In this respect one has had to foreground on the hand that some sort of of continuity in the administration of parliament exists beside constitutional modification, and on the other hand that the emergence of both delegated administration justice and modern statee has deeply influenced the parliamentary administrative model, whose general characteristic - if one takes into account the separation of both powers and authorities ensuring from it - is to be unfettered by the control of any judge. Then, it has been made clear that the fifth republic, which breaks with the primitiv logic has subjected a part of the parliamentary administrative acts to the potential censure of the judge through the enactment of ordonnance nb 58-1100 dated the 17 november 1958. Yet some hypotheses of juridictional immunity remain when one deals with the rules shaping the material organization of the assemblies, while the analysis of this current structure reveals that these rules broadly conform to the general logic of the administrative law despite the modifications that have been brought about. Thus, this study leads one to suggest some reforms aiming at integrating the parliamentary administrative acts into the common law of the acts of the public power. In the same way, in order to respect the institutional balances, it has been necessary not only to redefine the position of the different organs of the state but also to specify the mechanics of the control exerted by the juridictional authorities so as to ensure the respect of the separation of powers as well as the necessary "check & balanc

Abstract FR:

- pour l'essentiel, la these vise a demontrer que les assemblees parlementaires, pour le fonctionnement et l'organisation de leurs services, utilisent le droit et plus particulierement le droit administratif. Cette demarche est soutenue par une double analyse : - il a fallu montrer l'evolution des structures administratives parlementaires et du droit qui les organise depuis 1789 jusqu'a la cinquieme republique, en constatant d'une part qu'il se degage, au-dela des bouleversements constitutionnels, une continuite de l'administration du parlement, d'autre part que l'apparition de la justice administrative deleguee et de l'etat moderne va profondement influencer le modele administratif parlementaire qui a pour caracteristique primitive, compte-tenu de la separation des pouvoirs et des autorites, qui en decoule, d'echapper au controle du juge. - puis nous avons pu constater que la cinquieme republique, rompant avec la logique primitive, a soumis une partie des actes administratifs parlementaires a l'eventuelle censure du juge par l'ordonnance n0 58-1100 du 17 novembre 1958. Cependant, des hypotheses d'immunite juridictionnelle demeurent, en ce qui concerne le droit structurant l'organisation materielle des assemblees alors que ce droit, a l'analyse des structures actuelles, obeit tres largement a la logique generale du droit administratif malgre quelques amenagements. Finalement, ce travail conduit a proposer quelques reformes pour integrer les actes administratifs parlementaires dans le droit commun des actes de la puissance publique. De meme, dans un souci de respect des equilibres institutionnels, il a fallu eventuellement redefinir la place des differents organes de l'etat et preciser les mecanismes de controle de la part des autorites juridictionnelles pour assurer le respect de la separation des pouvoirs et les necessaires poids et contre-poids qu'e